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CASUALTY REPORTING AND HANDLING. TASK 101-515-1997 Inter Isolated Remains (After Receiving Authorization) CONDITIONS: In a tactical situation, given an.

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2 TASK 101-515-1997 Inter Isolated Remains (After Receiving Authorization) CONDITIONS: In a tactical situation, given an order from you NCOIC, an entrenching tool, shrouding material, a separate container for loose personal effects, grid location of the remains, a transport vehicle. STANDARDS: After receiving authorization from the organizational commander, remains were interred according to JP 4-06.

3 TASK 101-515-1998 Evacuate Isolated Remains CONDITIONS : In a tactical situation, given an order from you NCOIC, using a standard military map, grid coordinate scale, grid location of remains, communications equipment, transport vehicle (aircraft or ground), pencil or pen and blank paper. STANDARDS: After a battle, remains have been recovered and tagged; requested evacuation of remains, and evacuated the remains by the best possible transportation according to JP 4-06.

4 TASK 101-515-1999 Recover Isolated Remains CONDITIONS: In a tactical situation, given an order from you NCOIC, an entrenching tool, shrouding material, a separate container for loose personal effects, grid location of the remains, a transport vehicle. STANDARDS: After receiving authorization from the organizational commander, remains were interred according to JP 4-06.

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