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Week 9 - 2016: Writing a Media release In this class the students will be guided through the Media Release assignment. (Week Eight was ANZAC Week – no.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 9 - 2016: Writing a Media release In this class the students will be guided through the Media Release assignment. (Week Eight was ANZAC Week – no."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 9 - 2016: Writing a Media release In this class the students will be guided through the Media Release assignment. (Week Eight was ANZAC Week – no classes)

2 Briefing on media release assignment Task: Knowing the following (and any other information in the following press clippings file), write a media release to achieve the best local news coverage for your group’s campaign. In deciding which points to include in your media release, consider any ethical and strategic implications as well as news values.

3 Briefing on media release assignment  Point 1 – Residents have been trying for more than 20 years to get trucks off Runaround Road.  Point 2 – Runaround Road was originally a goat track.  Point 3 – Several years ago, the Transport Workers Union threatened to ban the neighbourhood if Runaround Road were declared a Light Traffic Thoroughfare.  Point 4 – Runaround Road runs along side the Oldmeadow Primary School.  Point 5 – One week ago, a member of your group completed a survey of heavy vehicle use of Runaround Road that shows that an average of 30 trucks an hour (mostly coal trucks and oil tankers) used the road.  Point 6 – In 2010 a child was badly injured by a car on Runaround Road.  Point 7 – Runaround Road passes within eight feet of the lounge rooms of 10 residential dwellings.

4 Briefing on media release assignment  Point 8 – Strikes by rail workers dramatically increase the number of coal trucks using the road.  Point 9 – Yesterday, while discussing the issue with a resident of Runaround Road during a casual conversation at the local shopping centre, she told you that she and her family would be prepared to join others in direct action to block traffic on Runaround Road.  Point 10 – Some of the trucks that use Runaround Road come from (or travel to) a big hardware shop that is accessible only via Runaround Road.  Point 11 – Recently in Sydney, an oil tanker exploded in a residential street as a result of a traffic accident. The collision killed two people and fire caused considerable damage.  Point 12 – A week ago, you struck up a conversation with the secretary of Newcastle Trades Hall Council when you met him at a local petrol station. He mentioned that he personally supported your group’s campaign to get heavy vehicles off Runaround Road.

5 Briefing on media release assignment News Values Rule Other points Tang Dynasty Mining Petition Coal trucks collide Drivers’ threat Rail strike Horry’s History KEY MESSAGE: PR people must be aware of and be able to use news values in communicating with news media, but must also be able to think through complex strategic issues and be aware of their ethical and organisational responsibilities.

6 News production process Larger newsroom e.g. SMH, The Aus,SMHThe Aus

7 News production process Smaller newsroom e.g. Newcastle StarNewcastle Star

8 News production process Online newsroom e.g. Brisbane TimesBrisbane Times The staff:

9 Newspapers  What are some different types of newspapers?  How are they different?  What different roles do these papers play?  What is in a newspaper?

10 Advertising vs. editorial content  What difference is there in the way these are read/received by the audience?  How is advertising differentiated from editorial?  Is this important?  Why/Why not?

11 News reports vs. comment/opinion  What is the difference?  How is news reporting differentiated from comment/opinion?  How can you tell which is which?  Where is it in the paper?  Why make this separation?  Is this important?  Why/Why not?  What is objectivity?

12 On Line News Formats What are the assumptions made about the reader? Describe the main story of the newspaper and other significant stories. What is/are the editorial[s] about? Is there a theme to the letters – what is the most prominent letter about? What is main sports story?

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