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QUIXOTIC (kwik SAHT IK) – Impractical 1 QUIXOTIC (kwik SAHT IK) – Impractical 1 1. Professor Wilson said it is QUIXOTIC of society to ignore the world’s.

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Presentation on theme: "QUIXOTIC (kwik SAHT IK) – Impractical 1 QUIXOTIC (kwik SAHT IK) – Impractical 1 1. Professor Wilson said it is QUIXOTIC of society to ignore the world’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 QUIXOTIC (kwik SAHT IK) – Impractical 1 QUIXOTIC (kwik SAHT IK) – Impractical 1 1. Professor Wilson said it is QUIXOTIC of society to ignore the world’s environmental problems. 2. Chelsea had the most QUIXOTIC ideas of what he life would be like if she ever won the lottery. “Marvin is not idiotic for wanting to eat pizza everyday, he’s just QUIXOTIC.” LINK: IDIOTIC

2 BELEAGUER (be LEE gur)- To surround, to harass 2 1. In WWII, the Russian city of Stalingrad was BELEAGURED by the German army for five months before it fell to the Germans. “The little leaguers were upset when they were BELEAGURED By the big leaguers.” LINK: BIG LEAGUER

3 MILIEU (mill you) – Environment or surroundings 3 1. The proper MILIEU for raising a family is a home setting with loving parents who understand child rearing; something every parent must work at and not take for granted. “The boys’ locker room was a MILIEU of mildew.” LINK: MILDEW

4 HISTRIONIC (his tree AHN ik) Overly dramatic, theatrical 4 HISTRIONIC (his tree AHN ik) Overly dramatic, theatrical 4 1. The children’s HISTRIONICS when they couldn’t find their toys made everyone uncomfortable. “Professor Bradley liked teaching History on the HISTRIONIC side.” LINK: HISTORY

5 ARDUOUS (AHR joo us) – hard, difficult and tiresome 5 1. The long, ARDUOUS boat trip was made even worse by stormy seas and much seasickness. 2. Swimming three miles was the most ARDUOUS exercise Jeannie ever had. “Climbing the snow covered mountain is hard on us.” LINK: HARD ON US

6 REMINISCE (rem uh NISS)- Recalling the past 6 1. The REMINISCENT qualities in his art brought back fond memories of Paris in the 19 th century. “The player never got over his rim miss tortured himself for years REMINISCING about it.” LINK: RIM MISS

7 OPPORTUNE (AHP ur tune)- Occurring at a good time 7 1. Mrs. Singleton, our teacher, said the weekend before our mid-term was an OPPORTUNE time for last minute studying. “While children are playing at recess is not the most OPPORTUNE moment for singing an opera tune.” LINK: OPERA TUNE

8 DULCET (DULL set) – melodious, soothing 8 1. Orlando’s parents declared there was nothing DULCET about the rock-and-roll music that shook the house from his room every morning as he dressed for school. “If you don’t like opera, even the most DULCET tones of the finest sopranos make for a Dull sit.” LINK: DULL SIT

9 PORCINE (POR sein)- Pertaining to a pig 9 1. She had a PORCINE attitude about food; that is to say she would eat anything and everything. 2. After their cruise around the world, Melissa and Eric returned home with PORCINE figures. “It was a poor scene when the PORCINE athlete tried to beat the world record for parasailing around the world.” LINK: POOR SCENE

10 BLUDGEON (BLUD jun) – a short, heavy club 10 BLUDGEON (BLUD jun) – a short, heavy club 10 1. The police arrested the lumberjack on suspicion of BLUDGEONING a co-worker with an axe handle. 2. Tico’s BLUDGEONING accusations about his neighbor’s dog were more than criticisms. He was trying to intimidate the dog owner into getting rid of the animal. “Why are there all of these BLUDGEONS in this DUNGEON?” LINK: DUNGEON

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