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PowerPoint Making Effective, Professional Presentations.

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2 PowerPoint Making Effective, Professional Presentations

3 1. Focus on the content of the slideshow, not the style Focus on the writing first and foremost, not the design The content will impress more than the style

4 2. Use point form rather than full sentences It is recommended that the person designing the slideshow use a maximum of six words per bullet. Maximum - 6 words per bullet

5 3. Use no more than six bullets per slide Absolute maximum Otherwise, slide gets crowded Break longer lists up into 2 (or more) slides



8 4. Choose fonts that match the tone of your presentation Should have a “feel” consistent with your presentation

9 The Portable Endoscopic Unit (EU1000) Lightweight yet stable Extremely accurate Ergonomically designed controls Most comprehensive warranty in the industry

10 The Portable Endoscopic Unit (EU1000) Lightweight yet stable Extremely accurate Ergonomically designed controls Most comprehensive warranty in the industry

11 Sir Bounce-A-Lot Castle Inflates in 3 minutes Tough laser-sealed seams High sidewalls for safety Includes 100 plastic “Rainbow Balls”

12 Sir Bounce-A-Lot Castle Inflates in 3 minutes Tough laser-sealed seams High sidewalls for safety Includes 100 plastic “Rainbow Balls”

13 5. Usually 2 different fonts in a slide show is adequate One for titles Another for body text

14 This is the Title in Arial This is the body text in Times New Roman

15 6. A third font is okay if it is used for a captions or call- outs

16 This is the Title in Arial This is a caption in Book Antigua This is the body text in Times New Roman font

17 7. Text should be large enough to read from the back of a room Title fonts: 36-44 point size Body text: 28-32 point size Captions, etc.: 24-28 point size

18 This is the Title in 44-Point This portion of the slide is called the body text in 32- point It represents the actual content This is a caption in 24-point

19 8. Serif fonts are generally easier to read Sans serifs are better for body copy Serifs are better for body copy


21 9. Mix Serif fonts and Sans Serifs appropriately Sans serifs for headings Serifs for body text

22 Sans Serifs – Good for headings Serifs – Good for body text

23 10. Be cautious about using specialty fonts Are difficult to read Usually should be avoided


25 11. Use bold and italics in moderation If you need to emphasize, bolding is easier to read than italicizing

26 Seven Wonders of the World The Great Pyramid of Giza The Hanging Gardens of Babylon The Statue of Zeus at Olympia The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

27 Seven Wonders of the World The Great Pyramid of Giza The Hanging Gardens of Babylon The Statue of Zeus at Olympia The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

28 12. Never use the underline feature Underlining is considered “old school” Typewriters in the old days could only underline, not bold or italicize

29 13. Include both text and visuals Pictures, charts, graphs, etc.

30 14. Images should only be used to the extent that they add to the message Don’t use irrelevant clip-art or photos just to fill up space

31 15. Choose backgrounds wisely Gradients look more professional than solid fills Be careful not to have a backgrounds that goes from dark to light If you do, the text will be hard to read on portion of the slide

32 Examples - Choosing Backgrounds This is a gradient fill Gradients look more professional than solid fills

33 This is a solid fill Gradients look more professional than solid fills Examples - Choosing Backgrounds

34 For example, consider… Gradients look more professional than solid fills, be careful not to have a gradient that goes from dark to light Text will be hard to read on portion of the slide Gradients look more professional than solid fills, be careful not to have a gradient that goes from dark to light Text will be hard to read on portion of the slide Examples - Choosing Backgrounds

35 16. Make sure that your font colours contrast with your backgrounds e.g. dark background/light fonts or vice versa Yellow and black is considered most readable Red and green clashes and is hard to read Orange and blue tends to vibrate Red and blue does not have enough contrast

36 Be Careful What You Choose Contrast

37 Be Careful What You Choose Contrast

38 Be Careful What You Choose Contrast

39 Be Careful What You Choose Contrast

40 Be Careful What You Choose Contrast

41 17. Consider using appropriate transitions Better way to add “movement” to a slideshow than animations, because the audience is not distracted by moving text Set transitions to fast mode; it doesn’t cause too much of a delay Choose those that are not distracting and be consistent in their use

42 Transitions Transitions refers to how a slide itself enters the screen (not to how the text or placeholders come onto the slide – that is an animation) This transition was Split Vertical Out

43 Transitions Other possibilities include blinds, boxes, checkerboards, covers, splits, strips, etc. This transition was Cover Right Down

44 18. Avoid using distracting animations The Appear effect, where the text just appears in the correct spot, is probably best

45 Many other animations… Are just plain annoying; are more a distraction than anything and are too slow thus causing unnecessary delays

46 If you are going to use animations… It is best to just use the appear animation for text.

47 19. Animate your bulleted lists to come in point by point Helps the audience to follow along better Helps the audience know what point you are on Can even cause previous bullets to be dimmed out

48 Here is an example… Your first point is displayed Then your second (while the first one is dimmed) Then your third (while the second one is dimmed)

49 20. Animated images are distracting

50 21. Avoid using sounds It is unprofessional It is distracting It would rarely be relevant to the content

51 Seven Wonders of the World The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus The Colossus of Rhodes The Lighthouse of Alexandria

52 It is amateurish It is usually more difficult to read 22.

53 23. In the end, bring it all together with an effective closing Use the last 1-3 slides to adequately sum up and close

54 24. In professional looking presentations, consistency is important Use same background throughout Headings - formatted the same for all slides Body text - formatted the same for all slides Images should have the same look and feel, if possible



57 25. Make the last slide in your presentation simply blank This way when you finish the slide show, the program does not just jump to the “End of Slideshow, Click to Exit” screen or back into the program


59 26. Turn the mouse pointer off Avoid the distracting arrow on the screen ‘CTRL + H’ after you’ve started your slide show turns the mouse pointer off ‘CTRL + A’ returns it


61 27. Be able to blank out the screen without stopping the slideshow Useful when you want the audience to focus on what you are saying and not be distracted by reading the slide Hitting ‘B’ turns the screen black Hitting ‘W’ turns the screen white Hitting either key again returns to the slideshow

62 28. Know how to draw on the screen ‘CTRL + P’ turns on the pencil ‘CTRL + A’ returns the pointer Hitting ‘E’ erases what you’ve drawn


64 29. Don’t just read your slides Audience has no reason to listen to you if they can read it themselves Slides are a summary of what you say

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