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Effective Manager Spokes of Hope Worldwide Naila Umutoni 24 th July 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Manager Spokes of Hope Worldwide Naila Umutoni 24 th July 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Manager Spokes of Hope Worldwide Naila Umutoni 24 th July 2016

2 Outline  Definition of an effective manager  Managerial function  Management styles

3 Definition  A effective manager is someone who achieve his targets and make the best possible use of all resources (McCrimmon, 2011).  The purpose of a manager is to achieve results through the activities of other people (LMA, 2016).

4 Managerial Functions  There are five functions of management, and those are:  Planning  Organizing  Leading  Controlling  Staffing

5 Managerial Functions Cont’d  Planning: is the process of defining the organization’s goals, create the procedures and resources needed to achieve them (LMA, 2016).  Example: The founder of a business can ask you to develop customer service plan so that the business can have the best customer care service

6 Managerial Functions Cont’d  Organizing: is a management function by which the manager has to be able to define the work that has to be performed, delegate the tasks and coordinate between authority and responsibility (MSG, 2016).  Example: The organization you are working with is about to launch a new product. You have to organize the launch of that new product. You have first to identify the department that you will work with closely. It might be the production department, and then delegate to them different tasks that have to be performed.

7 Managerial Functions Cont’d  Leading: is a management function where the manager has to communicating openly with employees, motivating employees toward higher levels of productivity. Moreover, the manager has to inspire employees to be creative and innovative, and also encourage employees to achieve their goals (Hartzell, 2003).  Example: Chris is a manager at a company that produces diapers. He always takes lunch with people he works with in the company. When taking lunch, he shares with them his experience as a manager, the tips he uses to reach his goals.

8 Managerial Functions Cont’d  Controlling: is a management function by which the manager has to assess whether what was planned to be done was achieved. After assessing that, he identifies the next steps like actions for corrections (Kadian-Baumeyer, 2003).  Example: After delegating tasks to the production department personnel, Chris went back and assessed if the tasks that he delegated were performed well and provide feedback on the work done.

9 Managerial Functions Cont’d  Staffing: Is the management function where the manager is involved in recruiting and selecting people who will work with the organization. The manager has to make sure that this new personnel is experienced and will deliver their best on the job they will be having (MSG, 2016).  Example: Chris the manager is looking for someone to lead the department of sales. He has to conduct interviews with many people who have applied for the position and then decided the one to work with based on the competence he demonstrated.

10 Management Styles  There are three management styles. Those are:  Directing  Delegating  Discussing  Each of these management styles has it’s strengths and weaknesses

11 Management Styles Cont’d  Directing: This style requires the manager to give instructions to employee and they will do what he asked for, the time he wants it to be done, and how he suggested it must be done (Freifeld, 2013).  The strengths of this management style are:  Time management  Quality work (Freifeld, 2013).  The weaknesses of this management style are:  Increasing of biases  Demotivating employees

12 Management Styles Cont’d  Scenario: The manager at Spokes of Hope Worldwide Company may want to give a quick report to the CEO of the company, and he needs information from all departments. So, he will communicate immediately that to the head of each departments, and give them directions of what he needs to be included in the report, its structure and also the deadline. This will help the manager not to spend in asking the views from the employees on how the report should look like.

13 Management Styles Cont’d  Delegating: This style requires the manager to assign tasks to employees to work on independently and allow then to ask follow up questions for better understanding (Freifeld, 2013).  The strengths of this management style are:  Motivates employees  Leads to creativity among employees (Freifeld, 2013)  The weaknesses of this management style are:  Time consuming  Poor quality of work

14 Management Styles Cont’d  Scenario: Spokes of Hope Worldwide want to organize a social event, the manager is in charge of organization and he can assign some of the tasks to employees so that he can reduce the work load. For instance, there will be someone in charge of inviting people, another one in charge of finding a place the event is going to take place. The manager will let every assignee come up with the idea of how he or she is going to do it.

15 Management Styles Cont’d  Discussing: This involves the interaction between the manager and employees. This means the manager gives employees a time to speak out and then listen to them carefully (Freifeld, 2013).  The strengths of this management style are:  Motivates employees  Leads to the growth of company (Freifeld, 2013).  The weaknesses of this management style are:  Time consuming  Misunderstandings between employees

16 Management Styles Cont’d  Scenario: The manager at Spokes of Hope Worldwide realized that there is a problem of lot of absence of employees. He can call a meeting and let the employees give their opinion on what could be the reasons of those absences. In the end, he can ask them what could the solution of this problem so that it can not affect the organization.

17 Reference Freifeld, L. (2013, June 6). Leveraging 3 primary management styles | Training Magazine. Retrieved from Hartzell, S. (2003). Leading as a function of management - Video & Lesson Transcript | Retrieved from Kadian-Baumeyer, K. (2003). Controlling as a function of management - Video & Lesson Transcript | Retrieved from LMA. (2016). The definition of an effective manager | Management tips | LMA. Retrieved from LMA. (2016). The basics of strategic planning, strategic management and strategy execution. Retrieved from McCrimmon, M. (2011, April 13). What is an effective manager? | Management. Retrieved from MSG. (2016). Principles of delegation. Retrieved from MSG. (2016). Staffing function of management. Retrieved from function.htm

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