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Where Do I Find It and What Do I Do with It? Emily Springer Manager, Regions and Sections.

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Presentation on theme: "Where Do I Find It and What Do I Do with It? Emily Springer Manager, Regions and Sections."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where Do I Find It and What Do I Do with It? Emily Springer Manager, Regions and Sections

2 Start Here 2


4 login 4 This is the same login as the one for Your email is the one in your member record.

5 Section page before login

6 Section page after login

7 Datamaker

8 Datamaker in Excel

9 Do Not Email 9

10 HQ Documents is your friend!

11 A look at HQ Documents

12 Monthly Membership Reports 12

13 Monthly Membership Reports 13

14 Forms and Templates

15 Leadership Manual 15

16 Toolkits 16

17 Private Group Documents


19 Distinguished Lecture Program 19

20 Other resources 20 Promotional Items  Inexpensive – pens, pencils, sticky notes, etc  Membership booths, career or association fairs  To be used for conversation starters and recruitment  Not swag (one for everyone)  Larger events – consider ordering a bulk item Also have mugs for speakers/other @$5

21 Membership Materials  Bookmark this 21

22 Membership Materials (cont’d) 22

23 Occasionally Asked Questions

24 Who Gets Mail? Mailing lists and Spam

25 Sending emails Issue is governed both by Federal law (the CAN SPAM Act of 2003) and AIAA policy Federal law only restricts commercial emails – offering a product or service for a fee  Conferences, books, journals, etc AIAA generally deletes “Do Not Email is Yes” from all messages OK to keep separate lists  Daily Launch  However, we STRONGLY suggest starting with Datamaker list 25

26 What to send OK to send a newsletter that includes information about a dinner meeting or event where a fee will be charged Other section business, and all committee business, is allowable Suggest sending a yearly or semi-yearly reminder to “Do Not Email” list to see if they know they are on it and if they still want to receive no messages  Some may want to hear from the section, just not for commercial emails Keeping two lists means extra work for the section so can be done at your discretion 26

27 How do we get our money?

28 Section Rebates 10% of current professional member rate x number of members assigned to sections as of 1 June – this is the total Total is spread over 4 categories  Category I – (remaining total after other 3 categories are dispersed) rebate to each section based on professional members as of 1 June  Category II ($28,000) – section awards  Category III ($20,000) – given to Regional Directors, divided by number of members per region on 1 June  Category IV ($6,000) – for use by YP committee and VP-membership 28

29 An example with round numbers As of June 1, there are 10,000 members and the dues is $100. 10% of $100 = $10 x 10,000 = $100,000 for the total rebate. Subtract $28,000 for Category II section awards = $72,000 remaining Subtract $20,000 for Category III regional directors - $52,000 remaining Subtract $4,000 for Category IV YPs and VP-Membership - $48,000 remaining $48,000/10,000 = $4.80 per member. So if your section has 400 members, your rebate is $1920 29

30 What the section needs to do Getting payments electronically is easy! We strongly suggest that you elect to receive your rebate money this way if you don’t already do so. Make sure that you let us know of treasurer changes, and that the treasurer’s contact information is up to date – this is particularly important if you choose to get a check rather than electronic transfer. Submit both your annual report and audit/budget report in order to get your rebate. Check to make sure that you have received your rebate by the end of October (if the previous bullet point has been fulfilled). Contact us if you have not – don’t wait until June! 30

31 Listing Other People’s Stuff Suggestions for sending out information provided by other organizations

32 Commercial Organizations Not sure? URL generally ends No distribution unless they are a sponsor/partner  Most likely to be advertising as part of something else, such as a conference program or newsletter OK to buy advertising if section allows  Should be relevant to AIAA and section goals and objectives, or at least neutral topics Job listings are OK, but negotiate a good deal! 32

33 Non-profit organizations or schools URLs end Sister organizations and local schools  Free events – fine to distribute, often encouraged  Events with a charge – probably fine  Other products or services (including membership) – may be questionable, use your judgment 33

34 Non-profit organizations or schools (cont’d) Non-sister organizations or non-local schools  Free events – fine and even encouraged if it would benefit our members or promotes the goals of AIAA (e.g., Engineers’ Week).  Events with a charge – should not distribute. They should apply through TAC to have their event co-sponsored and then it will get listed in Aerospace America.  Already co-sponsored – you can list the event in a newsletter, but if the organization wants more detailed information sent out, they need to go through AIAA HQ to purchase a mailing list. 34

35 A few last thoughts Always try to negotiate – your distribution is a valuable commodity. Get something in return, even if it’s just distribution to their list. People who check “Do Not Email” should definitely not get any of this. Avoid  Political advertising  Religious advertising  Anything that in your judgment could harm the section’s reputation and credibility Not sure? Ask your staff liaison! 35

36 Membership Recruitment and Outreach Why are the sections asked to do this? Isn’t that HQ’s responsibility?

37 Membership Outreach Renewal reminders from Member Services  Email 90/60/30 days before and day of expiration  Form sent 1 month before  Postcard 2 months after Outreach by Marketing 37

38 38

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