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Rantoul Police Department Police recruitment 2016.

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1 Rantoul Police Department Police recruitment 2016

2 Village of Rantoul Population: 13,000 Location: Centrally located on Interstate 57 only 2 hours from Chicago and Indianapolis and 3 hours from St. Louis. Only minutes away from Champaign/Urbana and the University of Illinois. Total area-7.3 square miles

3 Rantoul Police Department The Rantoul Police Department is committed to the enhancement of public safety and, through the efficient use of public resources, to enhance the quality of life in the Village of Rantoul. It is the mission of the police department to enforce the laws of the State of Illinois and the Village of Rantoul, in conformance with the Constitution of the United States and the State of Illinois, and to protect and serve citizens of our community.

4 Department Information 31 Sworn Officers 7 Civilian staff Operating Budget: $4,200,000

5 Department Structure  Chief  2 Lieutenants  6 Patrol Sergeants  1 Detective Sergeant  2 Detectives  Patrol

6 Specialty Positions K-9 Handler  Narcotics  Article Search  Tracking Juvenile Officer Bicycle Unit Evidence Officer 2 School Resource Officers Photo Courtesy The News Gazette

7 M.E.T.R.O. SWAT The Rantoul Police Department currently has 4 officers assigned to the METRO SWAT team and 2 officers assigned as METRO Negotiators. The team is comprised of officers from Rantoul, Mahomet, Urbana, Champaign County, Parkland College and the University of Illinois.

8 Benefits Salary SStarting Pay $55,815* 55 Years of Service $69,155* *As of May 1, 2016 Vacation  2 Weeks to start  3 Weeks after 5yr  4 Weeks after 15yr  5 Weeks after 25yr  Up to 5 Personal Days per year

9 Workweek  Patrol works five 8 hour days per week with Fixed Days Off Residency  Police Officers must live within a 20 mile radius from city limits Retirement  Downstate Police Pension Fund Training and Education  Receive an average of 40 hours of Police Training Per Year.

10 Testing and Hiring Information

11 Rantoul Applicant Testing 2016 March 4, 2016: Application Deadline April 2, 2016: Written Examination April 25-26, 2016: Oral Interviews in Rantoul

12 Physical Ability Test The physical ability test is the standardized POWER test. The test is broken into categories for gender and age. The test consists of four events: 1. Sit and Reach 2. Sit-ups 3. Bench Press 4. Mile and a Half Run *Physical Ability Test will be conducted later in the testing process

13 POWER TEST MINIMUMS TestMALE FEMALE 20-2930-3940-4950-5920-2930-3940-4950-59 Sit and Reach 1min Sit-Up 3734282331241913 Max Bench Press. 1.5 Mile Run 13:4614:3115:2416:21 16:5217:5318:44

14 Police Training Upon being hired, new officers will complete a 12 week Basic Police Officer Course at the University of Illinois Police Training Institute (PTI) or equivalent training facility.

15 Field Training Program  Assigned to experienced Field Training Officer (FTO)  Learn Policies, Procedures and Tactics  Daily and Weekly evaluations  FTO Program is 12-16 weeks long.


17 To complete an application go to the following website:

18 The Rantoul Police Department thanks you for your interest in our department.

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