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Course Overview Mr. Sean Hobdell Room: A 113 Please pick up a syllabus and a classroom statement Subjects: Modern America; Global Studies; Intro to Philosophy;

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Presentation on theme: "Course Overview Mr. Sean Hobdell Room: A 113 Please pick up a syllabus and a classroom statement Subjects: Modern America; Global Studies; Intro to Philosophy;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Overview Mr. Sean Hobdell Room: A 113 Please pick up a syllabus and a classroom statement Subjects: Modern America; Global Studies; Intro to Philosophy; International Relations

2 Syllabus Overview  Syllabus – Basic expectations students should have of the course, myself, and themselves while involved with this course.  Not written in stone, but I keep to it firmly. –Few exceptions. –Consistency is my emphasis.

3 Grading  4 Major Areas –Homework – 20% (typically 5 point assignments each) –Class participation 20% (typically range from 5 – 10 point assignments) –Quizzes (averaged) 20% –Tests/Projects (averaged) 40%

4 Homework  Homework –  It is Important for YOU to get in the habit of reviewing their notes – especially if you’re college bound.  No written assignment does not mean “no homework.”

5 Class Participation  Being prepared  Class work  Attentive and on task

6 Quizzes Modern America; International Relations; Global Studies ONLY  10 Questions  Multiple Choice  Occasionally short answer  Purpose: quizzes act as a(n) –(A) point of alert –(B) point of confidence –(C) source of study

7 Reflection Assignments  Philosophy Course Only  Purpose: –Apply and consider concepts presented in course to one’s own life –Personal in nature –Must demonstrate a critical analysis of the concept and its application to one’s self

8 Tests  TESTS = 40%  Averaged  Multiple Choice  Short Answer/Identification –ESSAY – may be provided in advance (not always – if there is an essay on your tests you will always be made aware when the test is announced)

9 My Goals for You Modern America; Global Studies; International Relations  Provide students with the tools necessary to become a productive citizen.  Improve writing skills.  Identify major themes of the course.  Develop a better understanding of geography.  Have students recognize those that have come before them and, as a result, have a better appreciation for history and the privileges they enjoy as U.S. citizens, and citizens of the World.

10 My Goals for You Philosophy  Develop the ability to be critical in your thoughts  Consider your habits  Critique various philosophers and philosophies  Develop one’s own philosophy  Describe philosophical concepts as they apply to you  Identify significant contributors to the field of philosophy and their thematic views  Question; Question; Question

11 My Help to You  What am I doing to help you succeed?  After school everyday –(please let me know if you plan to stay for learning enhancement)  Contact information on the website –Reach out to me with questions/concerns (I can’t read your mind!)  I want to see you succeed; If my presentation of material is helping I have other resources and strategies I can employ.  Website  Updated daily – every other day at the least  Homework assignments will be noted on-line  Key Resources – power points; handouts; syllabus; etc.

12 Notecards  First and Last Name  Name you preferred to be called  Sports; Hobbies/Interests  If you play a sport at PHS let me know  If you have a passion/interest, help me get to know you  Concerns/Questions  Make me aware

13 On the back  Modern America:  What do you know about 9-11 (list everything)  Philosophy:  What is philosophy? –What comes to mind? –Thoughts about what a philosopher does? –Definition of the term?

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