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Vocabulary Set #3  Name: Nour Youssef  Class:751  Russell sage J.H.S 190Q.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Set #3  Name: Nour Youssef  Class:751  Russell sage J.H.S 190Q."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Set #3  Name: Nour Youssef  Class:751  Russell sage J.H.S 190Q

2 Vocabulary Set#3 1. Inhabit v. – to live in the area 2. Resource n. – a source of supply or materials 3. Herd v. – to gather and take care of livestock or cattle 4. Competition n. – the act of competing; test 5. Nowadays adv. – at the present day 6. Modern adj. – not ancient, present or recent 7. Employment n. – the act of getting a job or career 8. Occur v. – to happen 9. Political adj. – of politics or government rules and regulations 10. Migrate v. – to move away or out of an areas

3 1. Inhabit  to live in the area  I live in my house that is my Inhabit

4 2. resource  a source of supply or materials  People make resources and sell them to other countries

5 3. herd  to gather and take care of livestock or cattle  In farms you could see a lot of herbs like sheep's

6 4. competition  the act of competing test  People around the world always make competitions to see who is better

7 5. Nowadays  at the present day  At the future there is going to be more technology in the Nowadays

8 6. modern  not ancient, present or recent  I think that some stuff is getting more better and it has more technology

9 7. emplyment  the act of getting a job or career  When I get older and I get a job I will be employment

10 8. occur  to happen  Millions of years ago the plates got separated

11 9. political  of politics or government rules and regulations  Some businessmen like to be in political problems for money

12 10. migrate  to move away or out of an areas  People migrate from their country to because of poverty

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