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Bronchoscopy/ Endobronchial ultrasound

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Presentation on theme: "Bronchoscopy/ Endobronchial ultrasound"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bronchoscopy/ Endobronchial ultrasound
Chi Young Jung, MD, PhD Associate professor Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine Daegu Catholic University Medical Center

2 Contents Bronchoscopy - diagnosis of primary tumor - staging
Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) - EBUS-TBNA - radial probe EBUS guided TBLB

3 Bronchoscopy

4 bronchoscopy

5 Types of bronchoscopy Flexible bronchoscopy Rigid bronchoscopy
virtual bronchoscopy

6 Anatomy of tracheobronchial tree

7 Flexible bronchoscopy
Traditional white light bronchoscopy Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) Navigation bronchoscopy (NB) Ultrathin bronchoscopy Confocal bronchoscopy Fluorescence bronchoscopy

8 White light bronchoscopy

9 Endobronchial biopsy

10 Bronchial washings

11 Bronchial brushings

12 Transbronchial lung biopsy: TBLB

13 Transbronchial needle aspiration: TBNA

14 Staging Bronchoscopy is routinely performed pre-operatively
: assess for synchronous lesions : delineate tumor margins Blind bronchoscopic TBNA can access lymph nodes : subcarinal (7), paratracheal (4), hilar (10)

15 Anatomy of tracheobronchial tree

16 Complication Bleeding Pneumothorax: TBLB
Mild transient hypotension related to sedation Bronchospasm, hypoxemia Infection Epistaxis Cardiac arrhythmia

17 Endobronchial ultrasound: EBUS

18 Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS)


20 Types of EBUS Convex probe EBUS Radial probe EBUS

21 EBUS-TBNA: Indications
Diagnosis & staging of lung cancer Mediastinal lymphadenopathy of unclear etiology Sampling parenchymal pulmonary nodules, endobronchial or peribronchial lesions Sampling mediastinal masses

22 Schematic of EBUS-TBNA




26 Advantages Minimally-invasive, safe procedure Outpatient basis
Local anesthesia & conscious sedation Access a wide range of mediastinal LN & hilar LN Sample centrally located pulmonary lesions

27 Approaches to LNs in mediastinum

28 Bronchus and mediastinal structures

29 Diagnostic algorithm Lung mass with suspected NSCLC Imaging:
CT with contrast, PET-CT Distant metastasis? No Yes Evidence of N1, N2, or N3 by CT or PET Biopsy most accessible lesion Yes No EBUS-TBNA or mediastinoscopy Large tumor with high pretest probability of nodal involvement (T1b or larger) Yes Consider EBUS-TBNA or mediastinoscopy

30 M/71 Cough

31 Chest CT scan

32 EBUS-TBNA adenocarcinoma

33 EBUS-TBNA: meta-analysis
(11 studies, 1,299 patiens) 93% 100% Eur J Cancer 2009;45:

34 EBUS-TBNA: meta-analysis
(10 studies, 817 patiens) sensitivity specificity 88% 100% Thorax 2009;64:

35 EBUS-TBNA vs Mediastinoscopy
Lymph Node Size in mm: Mean ± SD (Range) EBUS Yield (%) Mediastinoscopy Yield p All lymph nodes 15 ± 2.6 (10–21) 109/120 (91) 94/120 (78) 0.007 Lymph node station  2 all 16 ± 3.1 (10–21) 24/25 (96) 22/25 (88) 0.30  2 right 18 ± 1.6 (14–20) 12/13 (92) 11/13 (85) 0.99  2 left 14 ± 3.6 (10–21) 12/12 (100) 11/12 (92)  4 all 15 ± 2.6 (10–19) 45/54 (83) 40/54 (74) 0.24  4 right 29/34 (85) 24/34 (71) 0.14  4 left 16/20 (80)  7 15 ± 2.4 (10–19) 40/41 (98) 32/41 (78) Pathology  Malignant 16 ± 2.7 (10–21) 64/74 (86) 49/74 (66) 0.004  Benign 15 ± 2.5 (10–21) 45/46 (98) (66 patients, 120 LNs) J Thorac Oncol 2008;3:

36 EBUS-TBNA/EUS-FNA vs Mediastinoscopy
79 94 Mediastinoscopy EBUS-TBNA/EUS-FNA alone Sensitivity 79% 85% JAMA 2010;304:

37 EBUS-TBNA/EUS-FNA: meta-analysis
(8 studies, 821 patiens) Sensitivity : 86% Specificity : 100%

38 Combined EBUS-TBNA & EUS-FNA
Combined vs EBUS-TBNA Combined vs EUS-FNA Eur Respir J 2015;46:40-60.

39 Accuracy for staging of mediastium
Methods Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV CT 55 81 58 83 PET 80 88 75 91 PET-CT 62 90 63 Mediastinoscopy 81(94*) 100 91(98*) VATS 99 96 TBNA 78 77 EBUS-TBNA 89 86 EBUS-TBNA, real-time EBUS-TBNA & EUS-FNA, real-time * Mediastinal lymphadenectomy & videomediastinoscopy Chest 2013;143:e211s-50s.

40 Complication Hypoxemia, cough, agitation during the procedure
Atrial fibrillation Bronchial edema/ hyperemia Minute bleeding Stridor Pneumothorax Hematoma Asymptomatic pneumo-mediastinum Infection: mediastinitis Puncture of the bronchoscope

41 Radial probe EBUS

42 Transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB)

43 in normal aereated lung
Within Radial probe EBUS Adjacent to ‘Snowstorm’ picture in normal aereated lung

44 Radial probe EBUS

45 Radial probe EBUS

46 F/73 pneumonia

47 Chest CT scan

48 Radial probe EBUS guided
TBLB & cytology Radial probe EBUS guided adenocarcinoma

49 Summary EBUS-TBNA have been shown to have a good diagnostic accuracy in the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer EUBS-TBNA is technically feasible and safe procedure Combination of EBUS-TNBA & EUS-FNA is preferred over either test alone Radial probe EBUS-guided TBLB can be used for diagnosis of peripheral lung cancer

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