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Advanced Structural mapping (ASM) Bermagui Safety induction 9 th to 15 th March.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Structural mapping (ASM) Bermagui Safety induction 9 th to 15 th March."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Structural mapping (ASM) Bermagui Safety induction 9 th to 15 th March

2 Safety officer Robin Armit - 0407694718 Please addresses safety concerns to me (for example – if you think the course coordinator is acting in a reckless and dangerous manner. Please also do what you are asked by staff and the demonstrators.

3 Medical support Bega District Hospital 24 hr emergency McKee Drive, Bega (62km from Bermagui) (02 6492 9111) Bermagui Medical Centre 24 Bunga Street (02 6493 4903)


5 Please let us know if you are feeling unwell or need medical assistance. We will make this our priority.

6 Bermagui Your field area is within a few 100 metres of the town centre. Please be careful of the traffic. Please be respectful of the locals.

7 Transport Please wear seat belts at all times. Place bags and other loose items securely so they do not come loose during the long drive.

8 What you should wear in the field The terrane is rugged. It is essential that you have good boots with grip and protect your ankles. Long sleeve clothes, a hat and sunglasses will protect you from: – Sun and wind burn – Skin irritations and rashes – hypothermia

9 Field risks Coastal mapping – Wave danger. The terrain where you are mapping can be rugged and safety in the field is our number one priority. Like all field work there are elements of risk that cannot be avoided and there is risk that cannot be ignored. The safety of yourself and you team should be your priority. This does not mean that you sit on a rock and do nothing. It means that you have to assess safety consistently and then make a decision about this risk.

10 COMMON FIELD RISK INJURY: If you are cannot walk out of you field area – stay at you location and call for help. Situations where this may happen include: Severe injury (e.g., broken limb, head injury) Snake Bite Exhaustion/dehydration. Treat with first aid. Staff and demonstrators will assess the best way to evacuate out of the field

11 WEATHER The weather is variable and can change rapidly. Dress in layers so you are prepared for weather extremes. Always take you rain coat. Rocks become more hazardous in the wet (also consider tides). Thunderstorms are extremely dangerous – discard large metal objects like hammers. Monitor the changes in the weather as you work.

12 DEHYDRATION Humid environment. Carry at least 1.5 L of water into the field and drink before and after you come from the field. Drink (water) regularly. Symptoms of dehydration include: – Headache – Coloration of urine – Dizziness and disorientation If you get past these then you are in trouble. Drinking Alcohol the evening before will also increase likelihood of dehydration.

13 SUN SCREEN If you don’t sunscreen up – you will burn. The breeze off the ocean can be deceptive. Avoid sun burn by: – Applying sunscreen in the morning. – Take and resupply sunscreen in the field. – Wear long sleeve clothes, a hat and sunglasses.

14 Other Hazards CLIFFS. – two hazards. (1)falling from them (2)rocks falls Try and avoid working under cliffs where there are people above you. – Assess Risk – Avoid cliff edges at all times – Do not throw or push rocks from cliffs or down slopes

15 Other Hazards THE OCEAN The big one. Hazards include: -The tides -The swell -Freak waves -A combination of above -Marine life Continually assess the tides, winds and waves. Staff and demonstrators will be monitor waves and provide warnings where required. Do not work in an area that is clearly affected by wave action. Do not swim off the rocks. Do not swim after consuming alcohol.

16 Other issues and general comments Please advise a staff member or demonstrator if you plan to leave the field area at any time. Please bring all of your litter out of the field. Please do not take samples of the outcrop. Please be respectful of the local community. Friday and Saturday nights are particularly busy in the hotel. If you have any concerns about anything – please ask or tell a staff member or demonstrator.

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