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Presentation on theme: "Religion PURPOSE, CHARACTERISTICS, PRACTITIONERS AND EVOLUTION."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is religion? / Role in society: A social institution characterized by sacred stories, symbols and symbolism. –Purported existence of immeasurable beings and means of addressing the supernatural –“Because different societies perceive reality in different ways, there is no agreed upon universal way to distinguish the natural from the supernatural.” Animism: the notion that all objects are embodied with spirits. Cosmology: A system of belief that deals with fundamental questions in the religious and social order Religion is woven into daily life –Thus ones religion is part of them rather than a removed element. –Provides meaning and order in peoples lives –Reduces social anxiety –Promotes and enforces the status quo (or exact opposite) *Religion can be a catalyst of social change*

3 Characteristics of religion: Stories, Sacred Narratives, myths Rituals Magic Symbols Symbo l ism Supernatural Beings Stories, Sacred narratives, myths: –All religions have – communicate ideas –Myths can be good or bad: Denote false belief or unshared religious belief –Malinowski: Intimate connection between sacred tales of society + ritual acts, moral deeds and social organization Symbols and symbolism: –material or nonmaterial –Clothing –Verbal symbols: –Names of gods/spirits. Certain words/phrases –Multivalent: –Allows individuals to grasp abstract ideas with little concern for specific theory –Can have many different/contradictory meanings

4 Characteristics of religion 2: –Supernatural beings: –Spirits/sacred power. –Can act in material world –Often does not distinguish supernatural from natural. (non- empirical) Monotheistic: One God One god can have many aspects Polytheistic: Many Gods Sometimes same aspects of one god, portrayed many times Trickster: Special class. Not interested in human benefit God: named for being in total/partial control of world Zoomorphic: Animal in form Anthropopsychic: Features of personality similar to humans Anthropomorphic: Human in form

5 Characteristics of religion 3: Rituals: –Enact religion Involve religious symbols – Prayer and sacrifice essential –Rite of passage: Transformation from one social status to another – Ex: birth, puberty, marriage, death –Rites of intensification: –Found in most cultures –Directed towards group or community welfare –Strengthens group ID –Maintains continuity with past, enhances social unity in the present –Ex: Totem: –Symbol of common social ID Three Stages of Rite of Passage Separation Group/person detached from former status Liminal: Detached from one but not attached to another (Ambiguous) Role-reversial – characteristic of anti-structure Ex: Hijra in India – between male and female Reincorporation: Passage from one status to another is symbolically completed

6 Magic and divination Attempt to magically control the supernatural Imitative: Procedu re preform ed imitates desired result Contagious: Object in contact with someone / has connecti ons Divination Discover supernatural unknowns Obtain info from supernatural authority Religious practitioners: Regular practitioners: –Shamans and priest Organize and lead major ritual events: Shaman: Part time Practitioners: –Average members of community –Shamanic responsibilities reserved for certain events –Believe are chosen by spirits Priest: Someone who has formally elevated to full time religious office Responsible for performing certain rituals on behalf of individuals/groups/community Priest often associated with gods believed to have great power Fulfill political roles as well (J. Maya)

7 Religion and Change: Religion exist as a way of retaining social, economic, political behavior and inequalities –Powerful vehicle of change Religious fervor drives politics, economics, and social policies –Religious prophesy: Religion validates society: – Image of how society should be If change occurs rapidly (disease, technological change etc.) – Vision of ideal world moves away from daily values – Individuals feel lost: prophets emerge – new religions created Variety of religious prophesy: Prophets: Three elements Identify what's wrong in world Vision of a better world Method of transition Nativistic: Restore what is thought to be a golden age of the past Religious revitalization: Create new order and cultural ide3ntity (consciously undertaken) Religious movements may catalyze change in political, social and individual behavior If desired change unobtainable, plausible self destruction of practitioners


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