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Marginalized Monday TPCASTT notes Truth vs. fiction Questions on “No Name Woman”

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1 Marginalized Monday TPCASTT notes Truth vs. fiction Questions on “No Name Woman”

2 Title 1 : Think about the title before reading the poem. Paraphrase: Translate the poem into your own words sentence by sentence (not line by line). Note any pattern or progression (general to specific, night to day, chronological, external to internal…). Connotation: Meaning beyond the literal. How do poetic devices contribute to meaning and or effect? (Imagery, simile, metaphor, personification, symbolism, diction, point of view, etc.; sound devices: alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhythm, rhyme) TP-CASTT Poetry Analysis

3 TP CASTT, pg. 2 Attitude: Who is the speaker? Who might be his/her audience? What is the poet’s tone? The speaker’s tone? Shifts: Are there any shifts in speaker or attitude? Title 2 : What does the title mean on an interpretive level? Theme: What message is the poet trying to get across?

4 "In Maxine Hong Kingston's work The Woman Warrior, the technique of several different narrators from several different points of view is used to tell the story of a woman's struggle with identity as a minority in American culture" (Butler 11/19/96).

5 How to Mark a Book I. Highlight or underline passages that reveal crucial information, which show changes in character, or that trace the development of character. 2. Make notations in the margins as you react to passages that are unique or noteworthy. 3. Place a question mark (?) in the margin if you don't understand what the passage means. 4. Put an exclamation mark (!) in the margins to indicate something surprising or unusual. 5. Consider using these symbols: * To emphasize a statement already underlined or to denote a recurring idea. + To indicate something you want to remember.

6 6. Use sticky notes for marking major ideas, for cross- referencing ideas, or for easy access to specific pages in the text. (Use a variety of colors for different purposes.) 7. A smiling face, shows that you agree or like and idea. 8. A frowning face,  shows disagreement or dislike. 9. Circle key words or phrases. 10. Underline vocabulary words you don't know. Jot down a brief definition in the margin, especially if the word is critical to your understanding of the passage.

7 Calendar for The Woman Warrior  White Tigers for Wednesday, 4/28  Shaman for Friday, 4/30  At the Western Palace for next Monday, 5/3  Song for the Barbarian Reed Pipe for next Wednesday, 5/5  Novel Exam next Friday, 5/7

8 No Name Woman What is the Gold Mountain? What is the origin of this name? Why does Kingston's mother tell her the story of her aunt? What message does it send? Why is the aunt a "No Name Woman"? Kingston writes: "Those of us in the first American generations have had to figure out how the invisible world the emigrants built around our childhoods fits in solid America" (5). How does this statement relate to the subtitle of the book, "A Girlhood Among Ghosts." "Talk-story," a phrase Kingston borrowed from a Hawaiin pidgin language (Brownmiller 214), describes a practice very important in this book. What is "talk- story," and what role does it play in Kingston's life?

9 No Name Woman, 2 What is the status of a woman in the Chinese culture Kingston describes? Defend your answer with examples from the book. Consider the importance of appearance, usefulness, and self-discipline. How does Kingston tell the story of her aunt? Why do you suppose she tells it this way? What is more important in the Chinese culture Kingston describes, the individual or the community? Why might this question be particularly interesting to a woman who grew up in the United States? Analyze Kingston's description of space in her description of her aunt. Why does she focus on space? Why does Kingston say that she has participated in her aunt's punishment?


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