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We got stuff of Calvin Cluedo, people!!!!!!! PREVIEW Super Calvin Bros. We get a look on Super Calvin Bros: Adventure mode edition. 3 slides of pure pleasure.

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Presentation on theme: "We got stuff of Calvin Cluedo, people!!!!!!! PREVIEW Super Calvin Bros. We get a look on Super Calvin Bros: Adventure mode edition. 3 slides of pure pleasure."— Presentation transcript:

1 We got stuff of Calvin Cluedo, people!!!!!!! PREVIEW Super Calvin Bros. We get a look on Super Calvin Bros: Adventure mode edition. 3 slides of pure pleasure Volume 8, August, 2008 Ultimate Sniper Shots!

2 4 Three slides of the first platformer on DCAH: Calvin Star! 9 And we also got 2 slides of Super Calvin Bros: Adventure mode edition! 3 News 9 Ratings 10 Around the ppt Calvin just ate something very sour Don’t Fall!

3 WERE ALL THE OTHER STUFF IS… WELL, MOST OF IT. Clue: C&H Version We, unfortunately, don’t have much new info on the new Calvin Cluedo, but Frank was nice enough to let us have three screens. Judging by it, we have a dramatic graphic boost, and guessing you could play as one of the six characters. We’ll have more info in the later issues. As you can tell by these screenshots, the new Calvin Cluedo has received a big graphic boost. You can even tell who they would be in the original game. Who knew Hobbes would replace Cornald Mustard

4 “Oh great, another bad fan made Calvin and Hobbes PowerPoint game,” people might say about Calvin Star, but your mind is only tricking, because although it may look a little lame, this game should ROCK OUR SOCKS!!! The amazing platform game is more than a news section title now. With an August release, and 8 levels (3 already done), we actually get a real look at the game. Hold on tight. If you looked closely at the screen shots last month, you know there are pretty cool stuff around the screen. The first one you’ll probably find the most

5 useful one of all: The Inventory. This place will show the stuff you currently have in possession. The objects are all drawn with the drawing tools, and clicking on them will give more information (sometimes even clues). Another one that is just for fun are the life and special bars, which will usually stay the same through the entire game. And the final one is the red button. Why is this one vital? Because this is what you use to attack the aliens. When you get close to an alien, right before you hit him, the red button will show up, and you about a half a second, if you click it, your safe, and The character you play as through the entire game, Calvin will have fun dialogue and can rebound well. I know, he looks like Moe, but this look alike will be with you for levels 2-6, helping you on your quest to get back home. While in space, you will be fighting no good Pelounder Aliens. There easy to beat…if you can click the button fast. You can’t have a space game without Spiff. After he mistakes Calvin and Aaron as aliens, this guy become your level 4 mid way boss.

6 if you don’t, well, it’s pretty much self explanatory. While in space, you will be fighting no good Pelounder Aliens. There easy to beat…if you can click the button fast. Look at the size of that monsta! One thing about the game that’s unique is the level design, each original design drawn by hand, and every one of them is unique in it’s own way. There are three types of levels Levels 1 and 8: Earth levels Levels 2, 4, 6, and 7: Space Levels Levels 3 and 5: Space Station Levels The game begins with Calvin and Hobbes having a G.R.O.S.S. (Get Rid Of Slimy girlS) meeting and trying to get Susie with a water balloon. After popping the balloon, Calvin ends up trying to get Susie with the hose, and accidentally gets himself blown out into space. When Calvin Comes to, he meets Aaron, and agrees if Calvin helps defeat most of the Pelounder aliens, he’ll send him back home. So you go through space, defeat things and other stuff. And then you get sent back home with a secret surprise waiting.

7 After the first release, there was talk about Super Calvin Bros.: Adventure Mode edition. Now Maryanne Freeman has come with screens…and to answer our interview questions From June 27 th Stage 1: Calvin's House You saw Calvin's Kitchen, now time for his whole house! We start this stage off easy for you, not as challenging as the other stages. If you remember level 2 from The Green Bracelets, then you know his house. Fight Mom and Dad to get out of the house and move on! Stage 2: Strip World Smack down in your favorite strips while you brawl against your favorite characters! Take a chance against all your faves (besides Galaxoid and Nebular) and a new one, Moe! Be careful, the strips have a tendency to fall... Stage 3: Digital Calvin and Hobbes Fought in Create-A-Strip and wanted more? Well, explore the strips, search, and even play a game, while fighting foes! You can fight a few users here. Stage 4: Prisimoid Galaxy The Gaia Prism is the thing that controls the entire universe. Around it is a nebula of platform clusters. The Battlefield is just one of them, there are many more! Among the opponents you will fight here will be Galaxoid and Nebular.

8 CG: Six more stages? But there's only four in the game! How are there more? MF: Some of these are products of my own imagination rather than your stages! But what are they? Ah, that's a secret. CG: Off topic question: Do you want to play Calvin Star? MF: Yes! It sounds good, though the space scenes are a bit too close to levels 4 and 9 of SCB Adventure Mode... And the interview. Calvin Gamer (CG): How do you think of it so far? Maryanne Freeman (MF): It's still shaping up. CG: How big is the file now? MF: About 10 slides bigger. I know, I'm slacking! CG: You said there would a new character, Moe. Do you have any details on him? MF: The fact that he has the highest attack in the game makes up for his worst speed in the game (besides Susie)! He's the first of four unlockable characters. The arrow has been added, because, well, you can’t always attack!

9 Calvin Cluedo Case 1 9.5/10 Murder is never a nice topic anywhere, but when your playing Calvin Cluedo, that’s a whole different story. Just as great as the first, only much better. So if you ever get the chance, go play this game. Go. Hurry Up! C&H Video Game 7/10 Even there's only one world, and all the levels are kinda easy, this gem is a good thing Andrew Martin created. Having Hobbes save Calvin is a good plot line. Although it doesn’t reach far, but where it does reach, it does well.

10 Ultimate sniper is like Medal of Calvin: A PPT 2007 shooter game, with shooting, bombing, and finding ships on radar. It can be found at PowerPoint Heaven. Moe: another one of those sonic rings on my race track! Ring: Heh heh. Go ahead and take me. Moe: okay! (crashes) ow! Ring: You didn't say "may I?".

11 September 2008, Volume 9 The next time you see this magazine, we will have even more info on Calvin Cluedo! We’ll also info on other games, like Mecha Warrior Ultra, SSB Triumphs, and the never before seen Super Calvin Bros. 2000! “The Calvin gamer” is published 13 times a year (monthly, except semi-monthly in November) with issues January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, and Holiday for issues per month Copyright 2008, The Shyguy Co. What is HE doing here?

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