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Welcome to Workforce 3 One U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Webinar Date: Tuesday November 10, 2015, 1:30pm-3:00pm EST Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Workforce 3 One U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Webinar Date: Tuesday November 10, 2015, 1:30pm-3:00pm EST Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Workforce 3 One U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Webinar Date: Tuesday November 10, 2015, 1:30pm-3:00pm EST Presented by: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development & U.S. Department of Labor

2 2# Enter your location in the Chat window – lower left of screen

3 Moderator: Toni Wilson Title: Workforce Analyst Organization: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, YouthBuild 3#

4 4# 1.Opportunities to leverage Section 3 for Registered Apprenticeship placements on HUD contracts 2.Glimpse of the various partnership opportunities 3.Resources

5 Which group best describes your connection? Choose the answer that best reflects you (or your group): HUD Grantee Public Housing Authority Registered Apprenticeship Community YouthBuildOther 5

6 6 # 1.Introductions/Overview 2.Partnering with HUD contracts: Overview of Section 3 opportunities on HUD contracts 3.Housing Authorities as a partner 4.Partnering with the Registered Apprenticeship Community 5.Partnering with Registered Apprentices such as YouthBuild graduates 6.Resources/ Q & A

7 Presenter: Franchella Kendall Title: Division Chief Organization: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Office of Apprenticeship Presenter: Rafiq Munir Title: Program Analyst Organization: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity 7#

8 Guest: Jim Kruse Title: Director of Business Office Organization: Housing Authority of County of San Joaquin Guest: Sheilah Goulart Title: YouthBuild Program Director Organization: San Joaquin County Office of Education 8#

9 #9 HUD-DOL Joint Partnership Letter

10 #10 Collaborating to bring Graduates of DOL’s YouthBuild Program and Local Residents with Contractors of HUD-funded Projects to: 1)Strengthen local apprenticeship opportunities for at-risk young people trained in the construction trades; 2)Promote self-sufficiency for residents of public housing; and 3)Connect contractors working on HUD-funded projects to DOL Registered Apprenticeship programs.

11 #11 HUD Recipients Registered Apprenticeships YouthBuildNon-profitsContractors

12 Designed to provide jobs, training and contracts generated by HUD-funded projects to local residents. Applies to 5,000 agencies that receive annual allocations, including Public Housing Authorities, States and local municipalities Covers up to 50% or more of HUD’s Budget Authority #12

13 Follow the $$$ Disaster Recovery Areas Choice Neighborhood Implementation Sites Large agencies with significant annual allocations and large projects Race and gender-neutral. #13

14 Self-certification of eligible businesses Facilitates the award of contracts to Section 3 businesses Helps Grantees meet their Section 3 obligations Currently over 1,500 businesses registered nation-wide #14

15 Provides information, upcoming events, services and resources Find business events and business advisors Receive notifications about contract opportunities to bid on Customize, receive alerts through push notifications #15

16 Section 3 applies primarily to construction, rehabilitation and infrastructure related activity and public housing operations and maintenance Covers HUD-funded projects, including those leveraged with state, local or private funding Compliance with Section 3 requires offering preference to eligible workers and businesses Compliance with procurement regulations and Section 3 requirements can be satisfied if approached properly #16

17 Guest: Jim Kruse Title: Director of Business Office Organization: Housing Authority of County of San Joaquin 17#

18 #18 Housing Authority of the County of San Joaquin

19 Presenter: Franchella Kendall Title: Division Chief Organization: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Office of Apprenticeship 19#

20 Training and Employment Notice (TEN) 13-12 Provides a Definition for Pre-apprenticeship and quality framework for pre-apprenticeship programs; Key component must have a partnership with a registered apprenticeship program. 20

21 “Pre-Apprenticeship” is defined as a program or set of strategies designed to prepare individuals to enter and succeed in a Registered Apprenticeship program and has a documented partnership with at least one, if not more, Registered Apprenticeship program(s).

22 Provides pointers and resources on how to connect to registered apprenticeship programs. Some of topics that are covered: Connecting with Program Sponsors Determining Sponsors’ Needs Defining the Sponsor Relationship #22

23 Connecting with Programs Sponsors Work closely with federal and state officials; Learn how apprenticeship works within the industry you plan to support; Determine the best point of contact within a company; and Get to know members of the local Joint Labor Management Organization. #23

24 Determine Sponsors’ Needs: Listen to employers’ needs What qualities, skills, and knowledge are they looking for in an apprenticeship candidate? #24

25 Defining the Sponsor Relationship Review the sponsor’s apprenticeship standards; Involve the sponsor in developing your program; Determine whether the sponsor can provide you with commitments; and Agree on ongoing feedback mechanism. #25

26 The U.S. Department of Labor awarded $175 million to 46 applicants through its American Apprenticeship grant competition on September 9, 2015. #26

27 URL General OA Resources URL American Apprenticeship Grants #27

28 Moderator: Toni Wilson Title: Workforce Analyst Organization: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, YouthBuild 28#

29 The grant award range: $700,000 – $1.1 million Average cost per participant: $15,300 Construction Plus: Other High-Growth Industries YouthBuild The Department has over 215 YouthBuild programs in 43 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands Youth served annually: approximately 7,500

30 Ages 16-24 A school dropout even if reenrolled Disadvantaged youth: –Low-income –Foster care –Offender or child of incarcerated adult –Youth with disability –Migrant youth

31 YouthBuild Program Structure –50% Educational Activities –40% Vocational Activities in Construction or Construction Plus Vocational Activities in Other Industries –10% Community and Public Facilities (Optional) 50% Education 40% Vocational 10% Community/Public

32 The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) collaboration. YouthBuild Graduates are priority hires for HUD funded development projects. HUD/DOL Joint Letter on Section 3: JointLetter.pdf JointLetter.pdf YouthBuild & HUD Section 3

33 Guest: Sheilah Goulart Title: YouthBuild Program Director Organization: San Joaquin County Office of Education 33#

34 #34 YouthBuild San Joaquin (San Joaquin County Office of Education)

35 35 YouthBuild Pathways to Registered Apprenticeship: Preparing YouthBuild Participants for Registered Apprenticeship

36 36# Section 3 Website Section 3 Business Registry Public Housing Authority Contacts ha/contacts/states ha/contacts/states Community Development Program Contacts nitydevelopment/programs/contacts nitydevelopment/programs/contacts Jobs Plus Pilot Program /grants/fundsavail/nofa14/jppp /grants/fundsavail/nofa14/jppp HUD-DOL Fact Sheet on Registered Apprenticeships for YouthBuild Graduates DOL_Factsheet.pdf DOL_Factsheet.pdf

37 37# Office of Apprenticeship Fact Sheet and Frequently Asked Questions Apprenticeship Website Apprenticeship Toolkit Quick Start Toolkit Employer’s Playbook to Building an Apprenticeship Program Employer’s Playbook Apprenticeship Staff Contact Map YouthBuild

38 38#

39 Rafiq Munir Program Analyst U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Franchella Kendall Division Chief U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship 39# Toni Wilson Workforce Analyst U.S. Department of Labor, Division of Youth Services- YouthBuild

40 Jim Kruse Director of Business Office Housing Authority of County of San Joaquin 40# Sheilah Goulart YouthBuild Program Director San Joaquin County Office of Education


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