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Mindy Sloan, Ph.D. Amanda Saw, Ph.D. Associate Vice President, Student Success Analyst, Institutional Research April 21, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Mindy Sloan, Ph.D. Amanda Saw, Ph.D. Associate Vice President, Student Success Analyst, Institutional Research April 21, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mindy Sloan, Ph.D. Amanda Saw, Ph.D. Associate Vice President, Student Success Analyst, Institutional Research April 21, 2016

2 Ashford University  Wide range of academic areas  Undergraduate and Masters  Exclusively Online University of the Rockies  Psychology and Business  Masters and Doctoral  Predominantly Online Ashford University Proprietary & Confidential - For Internal Use Only2

3 SupportU Model: Writing Center Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SupportU Model of Response (SMoR) Impact Effort Model

4 24/7 Tutoring: Synchronous Chat and White Board March, 2016 24/7 Grammarly, Automated, immediate paper review Paper Review: 24 hour return, higher level thinking skills Email: 24 hour or less return Phone by appointment Monthly webinars: Key topics, live webinars recorded Website: Full of accessible resources (e.g. templates, exemplar papers, videos, tutorials) Course/Assignment specific, embedded learning objects (e.g. templates, exemplar papers, videos, tutorials)

5 5

6 Women and Married Students  A higher percent of Grammarly and Paper Review users self-identify as women than non-users. A higher percent of Paper Review only users than Grammarly only users self- identify as women.  A higher percent of Grammarly only users self-identify as married than non-users. Paper Review only users and students who used both services could not be distinguished from the other groups. Source: Business Intelligence, 2015. 6

7 Caucasian and Financial Aid Students  A higher percent of Paper Review and Grammarly users self-identify as White (and a lower percent self-identify as Black) than non-users. A higher percent of users who used both services self-identify as White than users who used only one service.  A higher percent of Paper Review only and Grammarly only users relied on financial aid as a primary finance option than non-users. Users who used both services could not be distinguished from other groups. Source: Business Intelligence, 2015. 7

8 Non-Military and Older Students  Non-users have a higher percentage of military-affiliated students than do users.  Users self-identify as older than non-users on average; and Grammarly only users and users of both services self-identify as older than Paper Review only users. Source: Business Intelligence, 2015. 8

9 Higher percent of Orientation Students Among Paper Review Users  A higher percentage of Paper Review only users and users of both services had taken Student Success Orientation than the other two groups. There were no reliable differences between non-users and Grammarly only users.  Among those who took the Student Success Orientation, a higher percent of Paper Review only users passed than did non-users. Users of both services had lower Student Success Orientation pass rates than the other user groups but were comparable to non- users. Source: Business Intelligence, 2015. 9

10 Course Completion and Status  A higher percent of user groups successfully achieved most course completion metrics than non-users.  However, users of both services were not different from other groups on 1 in 5 and 4 in 26, did not differ from the other users on 2 in 12, and did not differ from Paper Review only users on 3 in 19 (but were higher than the other two groups).  A higher percent of Paper review users were currently active than Grammarly only users. A higher percent of Grammarly only users were currently active than non-users. Source: Business Intelligence, 2015. 10

11  Non-users had a higher retake rate on the course of interest than did users.  Non-users and users did not differ on future course retake rates (about 1% or less). It is probably too early to get a reliable estimate of future retake rates. 11 Source: Business Intelligence, 2015.

12 Course GPA  On average, users had a higher course GPA than did non-users even in courses in which Grammarly was not last used.  Grammarly only users had a higher course GPA in the last course in which they used Grammarly than in other courses, on average 0.29 higher.  Users who used both Grammarly and Paper Review, had a higher course GPA in the last course in which they used Grammarly than in other courses by about 0.12 on average. Source: Business Intelligence, 2015. 12

13 Users More Engaged and Slightly Less Satisfied With Timely Feedback?  Users completed more end-of-course surveys (EOCS) than did non-users in 2015.  Differences between groups on satisfaction with timely feedback provided by their instructor were not reliable. However, there was a trend for users of both services to be the least satisfied. Grammarly only users were more like non-users than Paper Review only users, who were more similar to users of both services. The groups did not differ on the other 15 EOCS items. Source: Business Intelligence, 2015. 13 Source: Business Intelligence, 2015.

14 More Differences on Development and Structure, Not As Much on Grammar  Users, on average, were higher on all ENG 122 CLOs on the final paper, especially Development and Structure.  APA Formatting and Resource Requirement showed slightly smaller differences, on average, compared to Development and Structure.  The smallest differences were found on Grammar and Style on average. 14 Source: Business Intelligence, 2015. Notes: Overall there were 1,537 non-users and 422 students who used Grammarly only, Paper Review only, or both services. Scale represents Distinguished = 5, Proficient = 4, Basic = 3, Below Expectations = 2, and Non- Performance = 1.

15 More Differences on APA Formatting and Development, Not As Much on Grammar  On the final paper, non-users had reliably lower scores on:  APA Formatting than did all Grammarly users (but not Paper Review only users).  Development than Grammarly only users and Paper Review only users (but not users of both services).  Grammar and Style than Grammarly only users (but not Paper Review only users and users of both services).  Resource Requirement and Structure than all user groups. 15 Source: Business Intelligence, 2015. Note: There were 1,537 non-users, 128 Grammarly only users, 215 Paper Review only users, and 79 students who used both services. Scale represents Distinguished = 5, Proficient = 4, Basic = 3, Below Expectations = 2, and Non-Performance = 1. Course Learning Outcome Non-Users Reliably Lower Than Students Who Used: Paper Review Only Grammarly OnlyBoth APA FormattingXX DevelopmentXX GrammarX Resource Requirement XXX StructureXXX StyleX Source: Business Intelligence, 2015.

16 Users are: Married, Caucasian, older females Some accessing financial aid Not military Pass more courses Higher GPA Take more courses Complete EoCS, but less satisfied Higher Course Learning Outcomes on Final Assignment

17 Attract diverse learners to services Attract those with greatest need Review cultural environment of classroom Develop services aligned with learner needs Get the word out Follow-up with users: Why less satisfied? Focus Groups Review Comments

18 Live Chat A very early look……..

19  For the first 6 days of services, March 7, 2016 – March 15, 2016, the number of the total daily Writing tutoring sessions have been between 9 and 58, averaging 30 a day, for a total of 274. Source: Advanced Analytics, 2016. 19

20  While there were 200 live chat sessions, there were 74 paper reviews between March 7 and 15, 2016.  About 25% of live chats occurred between 8 pm PST and 11 pm PST (between the 20 th and 23rd hours of the day). Source: Advanced Analytics, 2016. 20

21 Users: Women and Caucasian Students  The 27/4 NetTutor (Writing Center Tutoring and Paper Review) usages followed a similar pattern by AU students. Overall 80% of the tutoring chats were by female students, while 49% were made by students who self-identified as White.  The average age of NetTutor users was about 37 years old. Source: Advanced Analytics, 2016. 21

22 PartnerOutreach Method StudentsStudent Facing Teams (Instructors, Enrollment & Advising Teams, Access & Wellness, Career Services…) Course Access, Student Portal, Email, Social Media, Website InstructorsAcademic Leadership & Faculty Governance Voice, Key College/Program Meetings, Email (embedded course announcements), New Faculty Experience, Faculty Development Content, Faculty Focus, Insite Banner, Course Access, CETL, SupportU Open House on May 18 Enrollment & Advising Teams 1.Presentations to Groups Enrollment Managers and above, San Diego: BOW (March 15) All advisors in San Diego (April 1) and Denver (April 11 and 12) SMEs for Enrollment Teams in San Diego (March 29), All members of Enrollment Teams in Denver (April 11 and 12) 2. SupportU Open House in San Diego (May 18) Library, Writing Center, Access & Wellness, Career Services, and other student supports. Theme: Walking in the Shoes of a Learner. Scenario-based, role-play demonstrations of services. 3. Road Show by Enrollment Services: TBD 4. The Bridge: A Directory, with potential to be a Searchable Knowledge Management System in Insite, development March 2016 – and ongoing 5. Develop content for trainings: Scenario Based (in collaboration with Learning & Development) 6. Prescriptive Emails, Insite Banner, Paraphernalia: Cube Tents, Posters, etc……. Other Student- Facing Teams Presentations to Access & Wellness, Career Services, Academic Integrity, etc…….., Emails – designed for individual departments, Insite Banner, Paraphernalia: Cube Tents, Posters, etc…….,The Bridge in Insite

23 Meet the Writing Center staff!

24 Thank you.

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