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Overview of Scottish Government Statistics David McPhee Senior Statistician Communities Analytical Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Scottish Government Statistics David McPhee Senior Statistician Communities Analytical Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Scottish Government Statistics David McPhee Senior Statistician Communities Analytical Services

2 Structure Communities Analytical Services if one of 7 subject based ASD’s within the SG. Made up of 14 different branches covering: –Housing (including housing market analysis) –Planning and Land Use –Household Surveys –Supporting people (inc homelessness) –Regeneration –Social Justice and Equalities Cover Statistics, Economics and Social Research

3 Structure While each ASD works independently there are close contacts with other areas We can help you access data on: –Transport –Labour market –Health –Justice –And much more

4 What can we give you? Presentations will outline what data we hold and at what level. Access to detailed information. Expertise on the use of the information. Advice on other sources.

5 What we would like from you? Views on what we collect and how we collect it. Views on access to the data we hold. Views on how we can best work together to meet both our needs.

6 Websites of Interest Scottish Government statistical website - Scottish Neighbourhoud statistics - Scotstat Website

7 Stats Website High Level Summary of Statistics High Level Summary of Equality Statistics In line with Scotland Performs indicators Provides links to individual subject area websites Information on the Stats Group in general

8 SNS Website Provides detailed information on a variety of indicators Data available from datazone upwards for many indicators Contains all National Indicators Able to download area and topic profiles and well as full data dumps

9 Scotstat Website Register to be kept up to date with statistics in your area Contribute to discussions and consultations on statistics Details of topic groups to feed into the development of statistics

10 Homelessness Reference tables on website give:- –Information on homelessness applications and outcomes. –Characteristics of applicant households. –Prior circumstances of homeless applicants. –Proportion of applicants also on waiting list. Stats team can also provide detailed analyses from HL1 database. Also updating 2012 ‘Waugh Model’ giving projections of numbers in temporary accommodation under different scenarios.

11 EQIA Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) EQIA Tool – Analytical Involvement – Key Role Equalities Data High Level Summary of Equality Statistics Data Issues Harmonisation of Equality Questions and Classifications e.g. Scotland’s New Ethnicity Classification -

12 Any Questions?

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