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Published byBaldwin Joseph O’Brien’ Modified over 8 years ago
EAT HEALTHY AND EXERCISE TO INCREASE ENERGY AND WELLNESS Jumping into balance for a productive day of learning. K-6
WAYS FOR BALANCING ENERGY Always eat nutrient energized food for breakfast that gives students energy. Some of the healthy foods to stimulate the brains performance are granola bars, nuts, eggs and bananas are few examples. Exercising can also be boost your energy level. Drinking protein juices, milk or even water gives the body a push.
HEALTHY OR NON HEALTHY When eating healthy you will always be a true winner.
EXERCISE IS THE KEY ELEMENT TO BEING HEALTHY Children can do daily morning exercising after breakfast. During class, rhymes can be used on smart boards with exercising songs working the muscles. This increases the students energy level when/if the body is at rest through out the day.
HEALTH AND WELLNESS Well-being is being health and this can give children the proper energy as they go through the day. There are six wellness categories and we must striving to do all six of them. By not doing one, it can affect the others five. So we must work hard to achieving all six of them in our everyday reunite so we can have a well balance life. Striving for Optimal Health Many components of health can be affected by other components If one is weak; it can affect your overall health.
SIX COMPONENTS OF HEALTH Physical Health, Social, Environmental, Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual/Mental Physical health is the way that your body functions. When eating right, and regular exercise. Physical health is also staying away from the use of drugs and alcohol. Spiritual health is having a spiritual direction and purpose. Living according to one’s ethics, morals, and values. Emotional health is always trying to have a positive attitude. Environmental Health is keeping the water, food, air,land clean and safe surroundings. Social health is having friends, family, and others in your life on a daily way contact. Intellectual/Mental Health is being able to recognize when things are good and when things are bad. But have the ability to cope with life. All of these health components play a major part in balance our children life at school and home.
EXERCISING FOR BETTER HEALTH Laughter and workout Being cheerful while playing is healthy for the body. Interacting for Health is fun Playing together strengthens muscles and positive attitude with peers. Eating healthy Eating fruits and vegetables is a great choice for children to start the day off right.
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