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Presentation on theme: "Special Education Services Suspension Reduction Challenge Series STEVEN POLEGA, DIRECTOR OF COMPLIANCE AND SPECIAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION."— Presentation transcript:


2 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. “The first step toward change is awareness, the second step is acceptance.” --Nathaniel Branden Awareness

3 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. We need to match solutions to the needs of the individuals

4 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. Comparison Data 2014 Monitoring Data Leadership. Service. Innovation Impetus Driving Change

5 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. Preparing students for their future, not our past: – 1970, 28% of jobs required post secondary education – 2015, 67% of jobs will require post secondary education – 1970, 74% of the middle class was high school graduates and dropouts – 2015, 23% of the middle class will be high school graduates, and only 8% dropouts (Carnevale, Smith, & Strohl, 2010) Commitment of Learning for All

6 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. Female dropouts live an average of 10.5 fewer years than females who graduated from high school, male dropouts increases to 13 fewer years (Tavernise, 2012). High School Dropouts are 63 times more likely to be incarcerated (Breslow, 2012). On average, each high school dropout costs taxpayers $292,000 over his or her lifetime (Breslow, 2012). Implications of Failure

7 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. Awareness, Systems, Implementation – Team Approach and Development – Overview of the Issue – Understanding and Background of Implementation Science – Embedding and Developing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Setting the Framework

8 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. Continuous School Improvement Process Do Implement Plan Monitor Plan Evaluate Plan Plan Develop School Improvement Plan Gather Get Ready Collect School Data Build School Profile Student Achievement Study Analyze Data Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice

9 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. Suspension Reduction Challenge Series – Session 1 (Sept. 26): Understanding Discipline Data – Session 2 (Nov. 14): Best Practices to Reduce Suspension and Expulsion Rates (MTSS/PBIS) – Session 3 (Jan. 16): Developing Compliant Procedures to meet the Requirements of IDEA – Session 4 (Mar. 13): Developing Systems of Sustainability for Implementation – Session 5 (May 22): Continuous Improvement and Monitoring of Corrective Action Plans Series Breakdown

10 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. Understanding Discipline Data – Review of the Literature: A 'Major Shift' In Oversight Of Special Education Suspensions Are Higher for Disabled Students, Federal Data Indicate Suspensions Are Higher for Disabled Students, Federal Data Indicate – Overview of the data: County Wide Data State Data (190,035 days of Instruction Lost in 2013-2014) – Understanding Definitions of State Performance Plan Indicators B4A, B4B, and Significant Disproportionality (Discipline) Session I

11 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. Best Practices to Reduce Suspension and Expulsion Rates Building Your MTSS Model Building Your MTSS Model 1. Expectations: creating positively stated expectations and developing a matrix in each area the behavior occurs 2. Teaching expectations using lesson plans and a calendar for the year 3. Monitoring expected behavior: focus on unstructured areas of the building, teacher monitors about systematic supervision 4. Acknowledging expected behaviors using a formal and informal system with collaboration from staff and students 5. Continuum of consequences: a. Clearly define problem behaviors in observable and measureable terms b. Categorize behaviors c. Develop a continuum of responses to behavioral errors d. Procedures are in place for emergency and dangerous situations e. System is written down f. Plan for training all staff (including new staff and re-training existing staff) 6. Data collection and analysis for decision making, regular collection, regular review, and regular reporting out Session II

12 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. Developing Compliant Procedures to meet the Requirements of IDEA −Focusing on results and celebrations Data Updates −LEA Showcase: Davison: 15 second interventions Bentley: The Road to Restorative Justice −Review of the Literature: Overspecialized Ed? A review of Media and Perspectives of Special Education: A continued focus on Multi-Tiered Systems of Support A review of Media and Perspectives of Special Education: A continued focus on Multi-Tiered Systems of Support −Developing Procedures Compliant with IDEA 300.530300.530 Understanding School District Authority; Tracking Patterns of Removal, Why all of this extra work?; and a review of vignettes/case studies Session III

13 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. Developing Systems of Sustainability for Implementation – Implementation Science Implementation Science – Local District Showcase Swartz Creek Community Schools – MTSS District Capacity Assessment – Structuring a Three Year Plan – Continuous Improvement Model and Link to Special Education – A deeper look at the Data: MDE Discipline Tool KitMDE Discipline Tool Kit Session IV

14 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. Continuous Improvement and Monitoring of Corrective Action Plans Regular Data Review and Action Planning – Student Outcome – Fidelity Analysis – Capacity Data – Progress Monitoring School Climate Transformation Grant Districts 2015-2016 SY Implementation Plan with timeline Session V

15 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. Challenge…Accepted! DistrictFall 2013 MSDS Discipline (days of removal) Fall 2014 MSDS Discipline (days of removal) A781476 B36134 C3846 D3742 E56.542.5 F3725 G2228 H2517 I21050 J1113 K40666 L20.548.5 M16260 N515 O19016.5 P1312 Total25751151.5

16 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. Next Steps

17 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. Model for Continuous Improvement in Discipline

18 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district.

19 Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP  SERVICE  INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district. Contact Information Steven Polega – Director of Compliance and Special Services Administration –

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