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DIA Photo Editing Mini- Project Alanna Seid Summer 2016 MSET Program.

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Presentation on theme: "DIA Photo Editing Mini- Project Alanna Seid Summer 2016 MSET Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIA Photo Editing Mini- Project Alanna Seid Summer 2016 MSET Program

2 Target Audience Course: Introduction to Web Design 10-12 Grade

3 Big Idea Web Design is a continuing process and that the work of developing, creating, and maintaining a website is never really finished. You must continue evaluating your site’s ongoing performance against your stated goals and purpose.

4 Essential Questions How does a Web Designer connect website requirements with a Web Design application? How does thoughtful consideration of content and design impact the users’ experience on the internet?

5 Description of the Lesson All semester we have been learning how to build websites in Dreamweaver. Now you have the freedom to build the website of your choice. If you cannot think of an idea on your own, you can create an electronic career portfolio. Your website idea MUST be approved by me before you begin building your site. All websites must include the following:

6 Using Photoshop The following slides include photos edited in Photoshop that could be used to build and illustrate an Electronic Career Portfolio being built in my Web Design course.

7 Photo 1 – Banner Photo Before This could be used as their personal banner. After

8 Photo 2 – About Me Photo Before Used as a professional photo on your “About Me” page. After

9 Photo 3 – Hobbies Photo Before Picture for hobbies and interests, such as reading. After

10 Photo 4 – Hobbies Photo Before Picture for hobbies and interests, for example Photography. After

11 Photo 5 - Organizations Before Organizations that you are a member in, for example the National Business Education Association. After

12 Photo 6 - Organizations Before Organizations that you are a member in, for example Future Business Leaders of America Professional Division. After

13 Photo 7 – Responsibilities Before Picture for Professional Responsibilities, such as FBLA Advisor. After

14 Photo 8 - Responsibilities Before Picture for Professional Responsibilities, such as Business Lab Coordinator. After

15 Photo 9 – Skills Photo Before Picture of skills, such as knowledgeable in the Microsoft and Google Suite. After

16 Photo 10 – Skills Photo Before Picture of skills, such as knowledgeable in Smart Board Technology. After

17 Works Cited Google. (n.d.). Retrieved July 2016, from Google Images: PBL_Professional_Division_Handbook.pdf

18 Works Cited Google. (n.d.). Retrieved July 2016, from Google Images: paper-texture/ docs-best-suite-for-your-business-needs/ pageId=7486383 6lqffag553g0vs3bei6oma0

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