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E835 Computing at FNAL fn835 systems are old running older operating systems fn835 administration –Time to maintain –Security issues –Thanks to Gabriele.

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Presentation on theme: "E835 Computing at FNAL fn835 systems are old running older operating systems fn835 administration –Time to maintain –Security issues –Thanks to Gabriele."— Presentation transcript:

1 E835 Computing at FNAL fn835 systems are old running older operating systems fn835 administration –Time to maintain –Security issues –Thanks to Gabriele and Willi for their help Time to migrate official files is NOW

2 Attempts to Start Migration Sep00: email stating OSF support to end & prepare to discuss at collab meeting –Claudia sends email response Oct00: small discussion at collab mtg Feb01: small discussion at collab mtg Apr01: present at collab mtg ; people to send ideas –None received Oct01: presentation cancelled Nov01: email ask to discuss –No responses Dec01: email questionnaire –Student responses -- will not need fn835 after Apr02 –Other response -- to wait Jan02: Proposed/dictated my plan to migrate –Initiated Italian discussion Feb02: Sent requirements & preferences to Comp Div Mar02: Initial meeting with Comp Div

3 My fn835 plan Goal is to shutdown fn835 systems by June Find place for archival account to hold minimal set of files Rest to be available via tape Turn off remote access in April Do final backups with non-changing fn835 systems

4 From Meeting with Comp Div-1 Can have group accounts in AFS space –Access from fnalu accounts & other systems that mount FNAL AFS –Archival for 1996-7 and 2000 files data sets libraries history/logs –Web They do server administration E835 does content administration

5 From Meeting with Comp Div-2 Can use fnalu batch system for analyses –Large processing probably should move to farms Suggest move sets of 8mm tape content to Enstore tape robot Can still mount 8mm tapes on specific systems

6 From Meeting with Comp Div-3 Systems available –1 OSF systems to be decommissioned by end of year (last Comp Div DEC machine) –Several IRIX systems with 8mm tape drives –Several Sun systems –Many Linux systems

7 “Officialness” Considerations Official versions of code and database Everyone needs to be able to access Offline needs to run on official system in case of difference in analyses Currently OSF V4.0d What is the future? What do people currently run at universities?

8 What are Universities Running Who/Where OS Type of analyses

9 Comments on Offline Database msql server on fn835z is from 1996 No one is using server aspect Universities have local copy & directly access database files Database unchanged for last year Future database changes? –Suggest special code/file NO longer need msql server

10 Comments on Web Server msql_web server also runs on fn835j –Used for searching web based databases –Can we do on Comp Div web server? Forum allows input to web database –Security issue? Where does admin responsibility change from E835 to Comp Div? Web content directories not easily copied –There will be many broken links

11 Would be Nice to Do…. Be willing to not directly copy all files to new system –Does everyone know what is on 250GB disks currently on fn835 systems? (Re)organize directories: archival and web Test code/executables

12 Current Disk Allocation 12GB- Home areas 6GB- Products 9GB- Web 3GB- Code 3GB- Offline DB 48GB- Gold files 9GB- Ran Gate DSTs 88GB- Archival 38GB- Project areas 16GB- Staging areas 2GB- daqman 3GB- Raw data dump 3GB- Pedestals dump 3GB- DAQ Hist DB 5GB- lum,acnet,scaler 3GB- DAQ logs 48GB- DAQ staging 8GB- Scratch areas 6GB- Ntuple areas

13 Proposed Minimum to Archival Account Accounts: e835code and daqman Databases: offline and daq history (dish) Data: lumin, acnet, scaler DAQ history files: logs and pedestal dumps Filtered data sets: MDST and EWDST DSTs: random gates Not copied: –gold files, home & archival areas

14 What Needs to be Done NOW E835 Collaboration decides: –Course of action –Official offline operating system –Schedule –Manpower –How/Who administrate AFS group accounts Archival and Web

15 Steps to be Taken Soon Clarify amount of AFS space available Learn about Enstore tape robot Meet with web admin Request AFS space and webserver Migrate appropriate files Setup process to move 8mm data to Enstore Setup web content

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