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LAKE SKADAR-SHKODRA INTEGRATED ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT PROJECT Authors: Novak Cadjenovic Montenegro Project Coordinator Agim Shimaj.

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Presentation on theme: "LAKE SKADAR-SHKODRA INTEGRATED ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT PROJECT Authors: Novak Cadjenovic Montenegro Project Coordinator Agim Shimaj."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAKE SKADAR-SHKODRA INTEGRATED ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT PROJECT Authors: Novak Cadjenovic Montenegro Project Coordinator Agim Shimaj Albania Project Coordinator

2 GEF ID#:2133, GEF Agency Project ID# P084605, Project Status: Active

3 Situation before LSIEMP Water quality is generally good Some localized pollution “hotspots”. Decline in some fish species, particularly migratory species. Illegal activities (fishing, hunting, logging,construction ) mainly on the Albanian side Un treated wastewater in Albania and Montenegro Differences between both countries In Montenegro National Park and Ramsar site Administration of the park and management plan in place In Albania Managed Nature Reserve and Ramsar site Administration of the Protected Area and management plasn missing

4 Transboundary cooperation before LSIEMP No legal agreement for lake protection and management No joint institutional structures (Lake Commission and WGs) No joint lake management strategy No joint database No joint predictive hydrological model No joint monitoring program No joint fisht stock assessment No joint public awareness campaigns

5 LSIEMP Objectives Global Development Objective: to maintain and enhance the long- term value and environmental services of Lake Skadar-Shkoder and its natural resources. Project Development Objective: to help establish and strengthen institutional mechanisms for transboundary cooperation, to improve sustainable management of Lake Skadar-Shkoder.

6 Component 1 Capacity Building for Improved Understanding and Joint Management of the Lake Objectives Establishment of Joint Structures Preparation of Joint documents Component 2: Promoting Sustainable Use of the Lake Objectives Reduction of illegal fishermen Marketing lake Skadar-Shkodra as a crossborder tourist destination Component 3: Catalyze Pollution Reduction Investments Objectives investments to stimulate pollution reduction activities to the lake waters educate and encourage people to replicate demonstration projects LSIEMP Components

7 LSIEMP Achievements 1 A Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis has been conducted and a Joint Strategic Action Plan (SAP) for Lake Skadar-Shkoder has been prepared and endorsed by Albanian and Montenegrin Ministries of Environment. A Bilateral Agreement for the Protection and Sustainable Development of Skadar-Shkodra Lake was endorsed by respective Albanian and Montenegrin Ministries of Environment. A high-level Skadar-Shkodra Lake Commission (SLC), its Secretariat and 4 joint Working Groups (WG) has been established and operational. The mandate of SLC is to monitor implementation of strategic documents drawn by the two parties for the conservation and management of the Lake; The mandate of the WGs is to facilitate discussions on specific issues and to steer joint program implementation. It has been agreed that these joint structures will remain sustainable beyond the project closure.

8 A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation in the field of environmental protection and sustainable management of natural resources, including functioning of cross border structures such as the SLC and WGs. is signed between Al and Mn Ministries of Environment. An Administration of the Managed Nature Reserve in Albania s is established and a Management Plan for the Nature Reserve is under preparation. Development of the Study on waste inventory, site investigation, option analyses and feasibility study for the KAP (Aluminum plant Podgorica) hazardous waste containment is currently ongoing LSIEMP Achievements 2

9 LSIEMP Achievements 3 Final hydrological model completed; its outreach and dissemination is under way. Preparation of Management plan for Lake Managed Nature Reserve in Albania and Development of Lake-wide Management Strategy, including Fishery Management Plans is ongoing. Public awareness campaign to increase local understanding and engagement in sustainable tourism and natural resource management is ongoing Latest analysis conducted for 72 water samples indicate that the quality of the Shkodra lake water is good according to the European Community Standards.

10 LSIEMP Achievements 4 Preparation of a joint database for Lake Skadar-Shkodra is ongoing Joint fish stock assessment is ongoing Refurbishment of cultural heritage sites are in process etc

11 Stress Reduction Results Improvement of lakeside vegetation, willow and sage through community based management will start soon; Refurbishment of a stream in the mountainous area to avoid erosion and pollution of the lake waters especially in a spawning area will start soon in line with the developed environmental and social impact assessment; Reforestation of 18.5ha with 45,000 seedlings of pine trees in an erosion prone mountainous area immediately on the lakeshores in Albanian side of the lake is completed to avoid run off as well

12 Targeted tourism infrastructure to start soon in Albania and Montenegro Number of illegal fishermen has decreased from 44% to 38%; Protection of spawning areas during spawning time was conducted and this resulted in a considerable decrease of fishing during this period Design for Construction of the Vranjina Waste Water Treatment Plant has been prepared and construction works planned to start early Spring 2012. Results in Stress Reduction

13 Conclusions 1. Joint bilateral structures (Skadar-Shkodra Lake Commission (SLC), SLC Secretariat and Working Groups are operational, sustainable and implementing priority joint activities identified in SAP 2. Solutions for decreasing toxic and non-toxic pollutants entering into Lake Skadar-Shkoder identified and actions taken to reduce contamination 3. Regulatory capacity, infrastructure and community level mechanisms and incentives in place to support natural resource management and sustainable tourism development



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