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Designing successful learning Mike Sharples Institute of Educational Technology The Open University.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing successful learning Mike Sharples Institute of Educational Technology The Open University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing successful learning Mike Sharples Institute of Educational Technology The Open University

2 Activity (20 minutes) ● Explore Duolingo, Memrise, or a FutureLearn course ● What did you like best about the learning? ● What did you like least? ● What would you like to change? 2

3 Learning analytics Analysing learning data from online courses to improve quality Learning design Applying knowledge of pedagogy and analytics to design effective online courses (not the same as lesson planning) 3

4 4 Learning analytics Analysis of learning Learning design Learning activity

5 Learning activities Assimilative (content) e.g. Read, Watch, Listen, Think about, Access, Observe, Review Information handling e.g. List, Analyse, Collate, Plot, Find, Discover, Access, Use, Gather, Order, Classify, Select, Assess, Manipulate Communicativee.g. Debate, Discuss, Argue, Share, Report, Collaborate, Present, Describe, Question Productivee.g. List, Create, Build, Make, Design, Construct Experientiale.g. Practice, Apply, Mimic, Experience, Explore, Investigate, Perform, Engage Interactivee.g. Explore, Experiment, Trial, Improve, Model, Simulate AssessmentInclude summative (graded) assessment only here e.g. Write, Present, Report, Demonstrate, Critique 5

6 Designing for learning activity 6

7 Activity (10 minutes) ● Look at the Activity Planner cards ● Choose which types of activity are important for learning on your course ● Write down the percentage of time students will spend on each type of activity 7

8 Student learning Week 1Week 2 Week 30+ Rienties, B., Toetenel, L. (2016). “The impact of learning design on student behaviour, satisfaction and performance: A cross-institutional comparison across 151 modules. Computers in Human Bevavior, 60, 333-341. Reading/watching Finding information Conversational Productive Learning Design 151 modules Experiential Interactive Assessment Learning design had a significant effect on student satisfaction and performance Higher satisfaction from courses with reading/watching and interactive learning Higher retention from courses with conversational learning Lower success from courses with learning by reading and watching Student Satisfaction Student retention Student success Toetenel, L. and Rienties, B. (2016). Analysing 157 learning designs using learning analytic approaches as a means to evaluate the impact of pedagogical decision-making. British Journal of Educational Technology (early view)

9 Education innovations Annual Innovating Pedagogy report Explores new forms of teaching, learning and assessment for a digital world To guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation

10 Innovating pedagogy 10 Rhizomatic learningPeer learning through networking Personal inquiryPersonally-meaningful investigations Flipped classroomStudy content online, discuss in classroom Crossover learningConnecting informal learning into the classroom Learning to learnLearning how to become an effective learner Geo-learningLearning about the landscape/environment Learning through gamingLearning by playing educational games Learning by storytellingUsing narrative to guide learning Threshold conceptsFocusing on topics that are difficult to teach Computational thinkingLearning to abstract, plan, design, debug Context-based learningLearning by interaction with real objects & locations Incidental learningLearning from everyday incidents Learning by makingLearning by creating and sharing objects BricolageLearning by creative play with objects Embodied learningLearning with and about your body Dynamic assessmentDiscovering and overcoming learning difficulties

11 Activity (10 minutes) Discuss which innovative pedagogies could be used on your course What innovations could improve the quality of teaching at BFSU? 11

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