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Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Wenceslao Rayo. My stance on Culturally Relevant Pedagogy ● Culturally Relevant Pedagogy is a powerful way to get students.

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Presentation on theme: "Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Wenceslao Rayo. My stance on Culturally Relevant Pedagogy ● Culturally Relevant Pedagogy is a powerful way to get students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Wenceslao Rayo

2 My stance on Culturally Relevant Pedagogy ● Culturally Relevant Pedagogy is a powerful way to get students to be more involved in the classroom and achieve academic success. Teachers who use this can assist students in their educational career and develop relationships with trust so both sides can assist each other in achieving academic success. Culture is an important factor in life that should not be ignored. It should be recognized and used for the good of the students and the classroom.

3 Culturally Relevant Pedagogy ● The term Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (CRP) is used interchangeably with several terms like culturally responsive, culturally appropriate, culturally congruent and culturally compatible to describe effective pedagogy in culturally diverse classrooms.

4 What is Culturally Relevant Pedagogy? ● The purpose of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy is to maximize the learning for racially and ethnically diverse students. (“Culturally Relevant Pedagogy”)

5 Three criteria for Culturally Relevant Pedagogy ● 1. An ability to develop students academically. This means effectively helping students read, write, speak, compute, pose and solve higher order problems, and engage in peer review of problem solutions. ● 2. A willingness to nurture and support cultural competence in both home and school cultures. The key for teachers is to value and build on skills that students bring from the home culture.

6 Three criteria for Culturally Relevant Pedagogy cont. ● 3. The development of a sociopolitical or critical consciousness. Teachers help students recognize, critique, and change social inequities. (Irvine & Candler)

7 A video about Culturally Relevant Pedagogy ● Go to following website to view the video “Introduction to Culturally Relevant Pedagogy” ●

8 Inaccurate beliefs about Culturally Relevant Pedagogy ● Only teachers of color can be culturally relevant. ● Culturally relevant teachers are more concerned about personal relationships with their diverse students than effective classroom management. ● The purpose of culturally relevant pedagogy is to help diverse students “feel good” about themselves.

9 Inaccurate beliefs about Culturally Relevant Pedagogy cont. ● Culturally relevant teachers attend to learning styles. ● Culturally relevant pedagogy is not helpful for teaching white students. (Irvine and Candler)

10 Why do Race and Culture Matter? ● “Teachers need to understand that racially diverse students frequently bring cultural capital to the classroom that is oftentimes drastically different from mainstream norms and worldviews.” (Howard, 2003)

11 Talk-story ● Students talk about themselves through personal past experiences and their own opinions. ● Students use their own cultural backgrounds in assignments and class discussions to make a point and present their thoughts. (Ladson-Billings, 1995)

12 What Culturally Relevant Pedagogy being used in the class room may look like. ● Teachers using their students' cultures as a vehicle for learning-like using rap music to teach about meter and rhyme in poetry. ● Teachers using students' cultures as “bridges to school learning.” ● Teachers incorporating students' “home languages” into the curriculum-like writing poetry in home languages and then translating them into Standard English.

13 What Culturally Relevant Pedagogy being used in the class room may look like. Cont. ● Proud teachers who show “enthusiasm and vitality about what was being taught and learned.” ● (Wagner, 2004)

14 Works Cited Culturally relevant pedagogy primer. (n.d.). Retrieved from relevant-pedagogy-primer Howard, T. C. (2003). Culturally relevant pedagogy: Ingredients for critical teacher reflection. Theory Into Practice, 42(3), pp. 195-202. Irvine, J. J., & Candler, C. H. (n.d.). Culturally relevant pedagogy: A primer.

15 Works Cited Cont. Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). But's that's just good teaching! the case for culturally relevant pedagogy. Theory Into Practice, 34(3), pp. 159-165. Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). Toward a theory of culturally relevant pedagogy. American Educational Research Journal, 32(3), pp. 465-491. Wagner, T. (2004). Culturally relevant pedagogy in the english classroom. Powerpoint.

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