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3.1.3 Microscopes L.O: to distinguish between magnification and resolution to calculate the size of cells Starter: Complete word gap sheet, recalling information.

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Presentation on theme: "3.1.3 Microscopes L.O: to distinguish between magnification and resolution to calculate the size of cells Starter: Complete word gap sheet, recalling information."— Presentation transcript:

1 3.1.3 Microscopes L.O: to distinguish between magnification and resolution to calculate the size of cells Starter: Complete word gap sheet, recalling information on cell organelles from last lesson.

2 Inside the nucleus, there is a n__________ which makes r________________. These can be in the cytoplasm, or attached to _________ ___________________ ______________, they are the site of p____________ synthesis. Smooth E.R. makes __________ and ______________. Once these biological molecules have been created, they are sent to the ________ ____________ to be modified, and then packaged into ____________. If these ____________ contain enzymes, they are known as _________________. Along with the help of ATP released by aerobic respiration, these modified biological molecules can attach to the _________ _________ and be excreted by the cell (exocytosis).

3 Cell Size and Scale n/cells/scale/ n/cells/scale/

4 But how do we know this?

5 … Microscopy! Microscopes are instruments that magnify the image of an object Micro = smallscope = to see / look

6 Observing Cells Under a Microscope Carefully prepare your slide Observe the cells under the light microscope Increase the magnification – what happens? Draw what you can see (when focused) Label the organelles

7 Magnification vs Resolution (L.O.1) Magnification is the number of times larger an image is compared with the real size. Resolution is the ability to distinguish between two points. **** An increase in magnification does not mean an increase in resolution! ****

8 Calculating Cell Size (L.O.2)

9 Homework Complete ‘Microscopes’ worksheet for Tues 13 th Sept. Please ask for help on Monday if you are stuck or unsure of anything.

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