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Communication Choices. What is communication?  The process of creating and exchanging meaning through symbolic interaction.  We exchanging information.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Choices. What is communication?  The process of creating and exchanging meaning through symbolic interaction.  We exchanging information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Choices

2 What is communication?  The process of creating and exchanging meaning through symbolic interaction.  We exchanging information and ideas with others using symbols.

3 What kind of symbols?  Verbal – words you use.  Nonverbal – anything except spoken words. It includes sounds and movements.  Examples of non-verbal communication:  Gestures  Facial expressions  Posture  Attire  Tone of voice

4 Making choices – consider the…  Context – the situation in which communication occurs.  Includes the people present  The occasion  The task

5 Context What is our current context? Communication Applications class Who are the people? Students & teacher What is the occasion? Education/Learning What is the task? To learn about communication choices

6 How does context affect the way we communicate?  Would you speak the same way in front of a judge as you would hanging out with your friends?  Would you act the same way at a wedding as you would at a rock concert?  Would you talk to the police officer the same way you talk to a baby?

7 We communicate differently in different contexts.  You would often not use the same language and style speaking to a judge as you would with your friends.  A wedding is not a place to get rowdy and obnoxious but it is perfectly acceptable at a rock concert.  Talking to a police officer like a baby would probably raise a lot of eye brows!

8 Making choices – also consider…  Appropriateness - It is what is suitable for a specific situation. It will vary depending on your context.  The example of the wedding vs. rock concert behavior indicates appropriateness.

9 Three things that determine appropriateness  Your role. – a part played in a specific situation. It will vary depending on your context.  Right now you are in the role of a student.  When you go home, you might be in the role of a son or daughter, brother or sister.  If you have a job, you would be in the role of an employee.  You often behave and communicate different in each of these roles.

10 Three things that determine appropriateness  A norm is a stated or implied expectation.  It is a guideline for what is appropriate.  They can be written or unwritten and varies from place to place and in different contexts.  Dating norms in the U.S. might be different than in another country.  Norms for one school might be different than another.

11 Three things that determine appropriateness  A standard is an established level of requirement or excellence.  They are the foundation in which you make your communication decisions.  You have the responsibility for establishing your own standards for the situations in which you find yourself.  What is appropriate for yourself and your listeners.  What is appropriate for the occasion.  What is appropriate for the task.

12 Why are communication skills important?  Determines your success:  In school  On the job  In relationships  Every aspect of your life

13 Everything Speaks  Every time that you interact with another human being you are communicating.  You cannot NOT communicate.

14 Competent Communicators Use  Knowledge  Attitudes  Skills

15 Knowledge  It is important to have complete, accurate, and correct information  Support for your ideas and process the messages from others.  Without knowledge you cannot be taken seriously

16 Attitudes  Influence the way you see yourself and other people.  They impact others.  Can be managed and changed.

17 Skills  Task skills help you do a job, complete a task or reach a goal effectively.  Relationship skills help you to get along with others…nurture and maintain good will with other people.  Tact – Speak without offending  Courtesy – Polite behaviors and words  Respect – Showing consideration and appreciation

18 Keys to Success

19 Speak with Good Purpose  Think before you speak  Be positive with our language. Avoid gossip.  Know that words are powerful – can build up and destroy  Choose not to given into the power of spoken words if they will hurt others

20 Speaking Test  Ask yourself these three questions before you say something to someone else:  Is it true?  Is it kind?  Is it necessary?  Should answer “yes” to 2 of the 3 before saying it.

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