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Comprehends evocation system of electric power as according to available energy source Comprehends beginning actuator concept ( primover) in evocation.

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Presentation on theme: "Comprehends evocation system of electric power as according to available energy source Comprehends beginning actuator concept ( primover) in evocation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comprehends evocation system of electric power as according to available energy source Comprehends beginning actuator concept ( primover) in evocation system of electric power Power Generation Engineering 1 st Grade 2 nd Semester

2 Base Concept of Beginning Actuator ( Primover )  Beginning actuator ( primover) be mechanical energy used turns around electric generator gotten from generator actuator engine

3 Kinds of Beginning Actuator : 1. Actuator of Diesel engine 2. Actuator of Steam Turbine next

4 Diesel Actuator Engine Back

5 Steam Turbine Actuator Engine Back

6 Water Turbine Actuator Engine Back

7 Gas Turbine Actuator Engine Back

8 Comprehends evocation system of electric power as according to available energy source Identifies dissociation energy of diatomic types as beginning actuator

9 Types Beginning of Actuator

10 Diesel Engine Back  At center diesel energy alternator, primary dissociation energy of diatomic as diesel dissociation energy of diatomic comes from oil fuel or gas fuel.  To turn around generator applies rotator energy coming from revolution of diesel. Source: Alsthom German and PT. Indonesia Power

11 Steam Turbine Main Flow Diagram PLTU Perak Unit 3 dan 4 Back  To turn around alternator generator applies revolution of steam turbine. Energy to move turbine in the form of steam power coming from steam boiler.  Its the boiler fuel material is embers stone, fuel burning, and other

12 Water Turbine Back  Center electricity using water power or often is called as Centre of hydro power ( PLTA). At centre of hydro power, main dissociation energy of diatomic come from water power ( primary dissociation energy of diatomic). The water power moves water turbine and water turbine to turn around electric generator. Center this electricity applies water power as primary energy source.

13 Gas Turbine Back  At center gas energy electricity, primary dissociation energy of diatomic comes from gas fuel or oil. To turn around alternator generator applies gas turbine mainspring or gas motor. To turn around gas turbine or gas motor applies gas energy.  Gas comes from high kettle, coke kettle, and natural gas

14 Comprehends evocation system of electric power as according to available energy source Classifies power plant based on capacities and energy conversion concept

15 Classification of Power plant based on the capacities as to be upper : 1.Conventional Power Plant 2.Non Conventional Power Plant 3.Special Unit Power Plant Classification Power Plant

16 1. Conventional Power Plant This generator is generator having big scale and to supply PLN. This conventional alternator covers PLTU, PLTA, PLTGU, PLTG, PLTD and PLTN. For the existing of PLTN has not at Indonesia Classification Power Plant

17 2. Non Conventional Power Plant Alternator non-conventional generally still in research phase so that has not is center electricity. Special for solar energy alternator, have been many built in places which far from linear circuit PLN by exploiting solar energy Classification Power Plant

18 Power station of Non Conventional consist of : 1.Solar Cell Power Plant 2.Wind Power Plant 3.Fuel Cell Classification Power Plant

19 Solar Cell Power Plant In principle, solar energy alternator consisted of a group of battery photograph, sunshine becomes electromotive force ( E.M.F) to fill battery accumulator ( B). From battery accumulator ( B), electric energy poured into consumer. When many sunshine ( daytime), battery accumulator ( B) filled by photocell. But at the time of nighttime, battery photograph no yields electric energy, hence electric energy taken away from battery accumulator ( B). Classification Power Plant

20 Wind Power Plant Wind dissociation energy of diatomic changed by propeller ( wind turbine) becomes direct current generator rotator dissociation energy of diatomic.

21 If generator strain enough heights, strain relay will close battery accumulator filler switches so that battery accumulator filled by generator. If wind decrease and ins order not to invite power flow back of from battery accumulator to generator, hence energy power relay returned will open the switches. Power energy for consumer taken away from battery accumulator

22 Fuel Cell Work principle fuel cell ( fuel cell). As component of burning is H2 and 02 each put into negativity pole ( anode) and positive pole ( cathode). Every pole, in character pore ( holey - aperture) and among this anode and cathode there is solubility KOH. Solubility KOH yields negative ion OH- in pore anode negativity pole with hydrogen gas H2, will react to become H20 and releases electron e causing anode becomes electron haves negative charge. This electrons then streams into payload and up to positive pole of cathode. In cathode, the electron meets with oxygen 02 put into by positive pole of cathode so that electron with 02 and H20 ( from solubility KOH) yields negative ion OH hereinafter will be applied to yield electron at anode negativity pole as above mentioned. Classification Power Plant

23 3. Special Unit Power Plant This special unit power plan consist of : a.Uninterrupted Power Supply Electronic ( UPS ) b.No Break Diesel Generating Set c.Short Break Diesel Generating Set Classification Power Plant

24 Special Unit Power Plant 1. Uninterrupted Power Supply Electronic ( UPS ) Circuit from uninterrupted power supply electronic takes energy from public linear circuit ( PLN). Then applied to fill battery accumulator through rectifier. From battery accumulator, energy power is flown through inverter changing direct current to alternating current to installation of consumer required high reliability

25 2. No Break Diesel Generating Set No break diesel generating set in a state of energy from normal PLN, generator gave consumer turned around by synchronous motor taking energy from linear circuit PLN. Special Unit Power Plant

26 No Break Diesel Generating Set If transfer energy from linear circuit PLN loses, hence mechanical clutch between madness wheels turned around by synchronous motor and admission Diesel engine so that the Diesel engine turned around by mad wheel and then this diesel engine life, henceforth turns around synchronous generator to replace function of synchronous generator rotator synchronous motor.

27 3. Short Break Diesel Generating Set Circuit from short break diesel generating set. If transfer energy from PLN loses, hence during certain, this diesel generator unit started automatically by battery accumulator. After revolution ( frequency) and its(the strain reaching nominal value, switches S makes a move its(the position from PLN to diesel generator unit. At the time transfer energy from normal PLN returned, switches S better be returned to position of PLN in manual while kills the diesel generator unit. Special Unit Power Plant

28 CClassification power plant pursuant to its conversion concept is : 1.Power Plant of thermo 2.Power Plant of hydro 3.Power Plant of Nuclear (PLTN) Classification Power Plant

29 Thermo Power Plant  This type of thermal power plant divided is : 1.Steam Power Plant (PLTU)Steam Power Plant (PLTU) 2.Gas Power Plant (PLTG)Gas Power Plant (PLTG) 3.Diesel Power Plant (PLTD)Diesel Power Plant (PLTD) 4.Steam and Gas Power Plant (PLTGU)Steam and Gas Power Plant (PLTGU) 5.Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP)Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP)

30 Hydro Power Plant TThis type of hydro power plant divided is : 1.HHill area of hydro power plant 2.FFlat area of hydro power plant

31 Nulear Power Plant (PLTN)  Nuclear Power Plant (PLTN) At center this generator, nuclear energy turned into electric power. Center Nuclear energy Electricity ( PLTN) be PLTU using uranium as component of burning and becomes primary energy source. Uranium experiences fusion processes ( fusion) in nuclear reactor yielding temperature dissociation energy of diatomic. Temperature dissociation energy of diatomic yielded applied to yield vapors in steam boiler. Temperature vapors yielded by steam boiler hereinafter applied to move steam turbine and steam turbine turns around electric generator

32 Thermo Power Plant 1.Steam Power Plant (PLTU) This generator to move turbine in the form of steam power coming from steam boiler

33 2. Gas Power Plant (PLTG) To turn around alternator generator applies gas turbine mainspring or gas motor. To turn around gas turbine or gas motor applies gas energy. Gas comes from high kettle, coke kettle, and natural gas. Thermo Power Plant

34 3. Diesel Power Plant (PLTD) To turn around alternator generator applies rotator energy coming from revolution of diesel Thermo Power Plan

35 4. Steam dan Gas Power Plant (PLTGU) Steam dan gas power plant is combination trap PLTG with PLTU. Exhaust gas from PLTG exploited to yield vapors by steam boiler and yields vapors as steam turbine actuator. Steam turbine hereinafter turns around electric generator Thermo Power Plant

36 5. Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) Geothermal power plant ( PLTP) be center generator that is not has steam boiler because vapors as steam turbine actuator comes from within ground Thermo Power Plant

37 1.Hill area of hydro power plant Hill area of hydro power, exploits high difference the fall of high water Hydro Power Plant Sumber : BSE

38 Hydro Power Plant 2Flat area of hydro power plant Flat area of hydro power, exploits water debit and height the fall of low water

39 Electrical Power Plant THE END

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