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Expanding the Successful Use of OER in USG Mathematics Courses.

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Presentation on theme: "Expanding the Successful Use of OER in USG Mathematics Courses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expanding the Successful Use of OER in USG Mathematics Courses

2 Objectives: Bring the Open Mathematics in Action participants together to learn about a variety of homework systems and discuss procedures. Provide a seminar for mathematics Textbook Transformation Grants awardees to share work and learn about new homework systems.

3 German Vargas Assistant Vice President for Academic Student Engagement Victor Vega Interim Dean School of Arts and Sciences

4 Content Lessons Learned Driving Change The Faculty The Bookstore and the Business Office The Students The Book (OpenStax) Online Homework Platforms Introduction to WebAssign and XYZ Homework

5 Lessons Learned: Driving Change Understand the Issue Create a sense of urgency Engage and enlist Faculty Implement Assess

6 Lessons Learned: The Faculty This is not a mandate Resistors, Bystanders, and Champions Change sometimes requires great effort, and inevitably brings discomfort The value of free or low cost educational resources Long established tradition of the use of MyMathLab Great ancillary resources from publishers

7 Lessons Learned: The Bookstore and the Business Office Loss in revenue? Savings to Students Move On When Ready

8 Lessons Learned: The Students “[We did not use a textbook…]” “The online textbook was confusing and was never used in the classroom, so the format was completely different from the professor's teaching style. The homework on webassign was difficult and the textbook was no help in finding solutions to the problems […] My experience with mymathlab online homework was much better. That site would help you learn the math, rather than just evaluating your current knowledge. Homework is useless if the student doesn't learn the concepts.”

9 Lessons Learned: The Students Importance of the textbook on student learning. Maintaining the flexibility to adapt your delivery. The value of a free or low cost educational resources

10 Lessons Learned: The Book (OpenStax) The book has issues... [fact] …you will find even more issues. [perception] (High cost) publisher books are perfect… [fiction] You can adapt/remix OERs to fit your needs. [fact]

11 Online Homework Platforms: Concerns For Mathematics faculty, one of the main concerns when considering the adoption of open educational resources is the availability of an associated Online Homework System. Most of the instructional faculty in Mathematics are familiar and comfortable using robust products like MyMathLab and WebAssign “I already have all my courses designed and structured within MyMathLab/WebAssign” “Our students need more practice and immediate feedback”

12 Online Homework Platforms: Good News! Many of the free textbooks are paired with Online homework management systems Textbooks from OpenStax are paired with different platforms, including: WebAssign XYZ Homework WileyPLUS Sapling Learning Plus many others…

13 Online Homework Platforms: Our Experience at CCGA Our transformative project targeted the following courses: College Algebra (MATH 1111) Trigonometry (MATH 1112) Precalculus (MATH 1113) Probability and Statistics (MATH 2112) We had the textbook (thanks to OpenStax), we needed the online platform...

14 Online Homework Platforms: Our Experience at CCGA Our first transformed course was Probability and Statistics, and for this implementation we adopted WebAssign. PROS Trajectory Robustness Price (Low when compared to MyMathLab): $32.95 / Semester CONS Less familiarity for faculty when compared to MyMathLab Students: “Help me solve this” (“Learn By Example” available for some exercises)

15 Online Homework Platforms: Our Experience at CCGA Students and Faculty will compare the platform to MyMathLab. PROS Trajectory Robustness Familiarity for students and faculty. Popular tools: “Help me solve this”, “View an Example” CONS In most cases it is linked to high price textbooks Even as a stand alone item it costs $99.95

16 Online Homework Platforms: Our Experience at CCGA Before our second round of transformed courses we considered WeBWorK PROS Open-source Flexibility CONS You need to invest resources up front (human capital): Programming textbook specific questions Deploying the platform Upkeep Maintaining the platform (it would be hosted, managed, and supported by your school) The interface may not be as user friendly and polished as its non-open counterparts

17 Online Homework Platforms: Our Experience at CCGA For our second round of courses (College Algebra, Trigonometry, and Precalculus) we adopted XYZ Homework PROS Low Price! Full access to the platform for $25 / year CONS Lack of robustness Many glitches after the implementation This created a frustrating experience for both faculty and students. Examples Even though the support from the company was good, it was our impression that the issues would be too difficult for the company to manage for an at scale implementation for a larger school or a state.

18 Online Homework Platforms: Our Experience at CCGA Where are we? For Spring 2016 we switched to WebAssign for all of our courses that use OpenStax textbooks. We have the robustness and support of a platform with great trajectory. Even though the price is low ($32.95), it can still be a challenge for low income students. Since this is the cost for one semester, repeaters will have to pay again for the access to the online homework. MyMathLab provides access for the life of the edition of the book. We are willing to consider other options as they develop.

19 Results: Savings Actual savings for first year of implementation (Fall 15, spring 16, and summer 16 included)

20 Results: DWF Rates The overall comparative impact on DFW rates in the semesters of implementation over previous semesters is neutral.

21 Questions?

22 PART 2: Open discussion and planning with grant participants Additional Ancillary Resources PowerPoint Slides MATH 1111: College Algebra MATH 1112: Trigonometry MATH 1113: Precalculus MATH 2112: Probability and Statistics Video Lectures

23 PART 2: Open discussion and planning with grant participants Specific know challenges MATH 1111 College Algebra MATH 1112 Trigonometry MATH 1113 Precalculus MATH 2112 Probability and Statistics

24 PART 2: Open discussion and planning with grant participants Challenges, Questions and Answers The book Webassign Be an advocate for your students!

25 Questions?

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