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Note: A heart dissection could be done in this less (see file named ‘practical’ in lesson folder). It hasn’t been planned into the lesson as it would run.

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Presentation on theme: "Note: A heart dissection could be done in this less (see file named ‘practical’ in lesson folder). It hasn’t been planned into the lesson as it would run."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note: A heart dissection could be done in this less (see file named ‘practical’ in lesson folder). It hasn’t been planned into the lesson as it would run over time. A teacher demo may fit in, or alternatively it could be done as a class practical in an extra lesson.


3 The Circulatory System Part 2

4 Learning Objectives: To learn about how a double circulatory system pumps blood around the body. To learn about the structure of the heart. To learn about replacing damaged hearts. To learn about the advantages and disadvantages of installing pacemakers.

5 Success Criteria: Complete a mini-jigsaw, cut & stick activity of the double circulatory system. Label a diagram of the heart. List the disadvantages of heart transplants and replacement parts.

6 Starter: Write down THREE/FIVE body organs/parts that can be transplanted. Write down one good reason FOR and one AGAINST using pig hearts for transplants. Standard/Higher Higher

7 Double Circulatory System This is a simple model of the circulatory system.. The heart is at the centre of the circulatory system. It is actually made of two pumps which are side-by-side: One side pumps blood to the LUNGS. The other side pumps blood to the rest of the BODY. What can you say about the ‘type’ of blood pumped by each side of the heart?

8 Pulmonary Artery Pulmonary Vein Vena Cava Aorta Now your turn. Cut out the pieces, stick them in your books correctly, then colour.

9 Activity 2: Now using your completed jigsaw to help, copy out the following passages IN THE CORRECT ORDER: Firstly, deoxygenated blood is pumped to the lungs through the pulmonary artery. Here, oxygen is picked up by the blood by diffusion. It is now oxygenated The oxygenated blood returns to the heart by the pulmonary vein. Now in the left side, the heart pumps the blood through the aorta, to the body. After delivering oxygen to the body, the blood returns to the heart by the vena cava. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5

10 Label your diagram using page 31 of the new student book.

11 Damaged Hearts Heart disease can cause major health problems, which may result in the need for: replacing heart parts an entire heart transplant Your heart has a natural pacemaker, which can stop working. An artificial pacemaker can be fitted to replace it. The valves in your heart can become defective. These can be replaced with valves from animals, or even mechanical ones In extreme cases, the whole heart can be replaced with one from a human donor. The recipient will require drugs and medical care for the rest of their lives.

12 Advantages & Disadvantages There really is only one advantage to getting a transplant or new heart part... You Get To Live A Little Longer! There is a long list of disadvantages and problems though. List them in your books in order of most problematic, to least: Donors need to be young, fit and healthy! Tissue needs to be a close match to avoid rejection. Donor needs to have died recently! Only 6 hours! Mechanical parts have batteries which run out. Medication needs to be taken for life. The patient usually doesn’t have the time to wait for a match.

13 Plenary: Organ transplants are one of the most miraculous advances in modern medicine. What would your thoughts be if it was made mandatory to have your organs donated after you die? Do you think everyone should sign on to the Organ Donor Register? If no, would your thoughts change if you suddenly found yourself on a waiting list for a transplant?

14 Learning Objectives: Learn about how a double circulatory system pumps blood around the body. Learn about the structure of the heart. Learn about replacing damaged hearts. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of installing pacemakers.

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