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What does your appearance say about you? Dressing for Success!

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Presentation on theme: "What does your appearance say about you? Dressing for Success!"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does your appearance say about you? Dressing for Success!

2 “You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression” 8 to 30 seconds Intelligence Success Confidence Competence Professionalism

3 First Impressions

4 Hygiene Daily Bathing Deodorant/Antiperspirant Smile/Breath Brush/Floss Dental Checkups Manicured nails Styled hair Try to be conservative here/ no wild colors or spiked mohawks.

5 Clothing Basics

6 General Rules for All Clean Clothing Pressed In Good Repair Never Show Underclothing Business Look Good Fit Neutral Colors Minimal jewelry Cover tattoos and remove piercings

7 Basic rules  Ladies: Do not wear something that is TOO SHORT TOO TIGHT TOO REVEALING  You may wear your favorite bright color but in small quantities and paired with a neutral color (black, gray, navy, tan, brown)  Gentlemen: Baggy and saggy is for pajamas not professional attire.  You may wear tailored clothing in neutral colors that is appropriate to the position you are applying for Or the situation you are dressing for.

8 What does that looks like?

9 Women’s Professional

10 Women’s Business Casual

11 More Women’s dressing

12 Men’s Professional

13 Men’s Business Casual

14 More Business Casual

15 More men’s options

16 Accessories  Shoes Polished, comfortable  Socks/Pantyhose Wear socks/pantyhose (ladies even if it is 100 degrees out)  Belts Have belt loops? Wear a belt  Jewelry Minimal  Purse/Briefcase

17 We do judge books by their cover.  From head to toe you should reflect impeccable grooming.  Pay attention to detail. Your hair, collar, tie/jewelry and other accessories should be a reflection of the quality person you are. Whether it is right or not we do “judge books by their covers.”  Make the effort to look the very best you can!

18 Remember dressing for success is only a portion of what it takes to be successful. Set your goals, stay focused and show the world that you are serious about your future. Only through focus can you do world- class things, no matter how capable you are.” Bill Gates Lastly………………..

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