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Introduction Journal entries List of books read Look at me as a reader Look at me as a writer Teacher Read aloud Year in review.

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2 Introduction Journal entries List of books read Look at me as a reader Look at me as a writer Teacher Read aloud Year in review

3 Hello my name is Kristie I am in 6 th grade I love the out doors I am in 4h I have been in 4h for 3 years. I plan on quitting 4h to be in Volley Ball at my cousins church

4  Christy Miller 1-12 by: Robin Jones Gunn  Christy and Todd 1-3 by: Robin Jones Gunn  Christy and Todd married 1-3 by: Robin Jones Gunn  Among the Barons By: Margret Peterson Haddix  I Sailed with Columbus By: Miriam Schlein  Crime scene investigators By: Allan Zullo  Contaminated By; Em Garner  The fear place By; Phyllis Reynolds Naylor  The hidden girl By; Shyima Hall and Lisa Wyschy  Double Identity By; Margret Peterson Haddix  Hide away By; Hannah Alexander  The Westing Game By; Ellen Raskin  Absolutely Truly By; Heather Vogel Frederick  Abduction By; Peg Hehret  Holly Heart 1-6 By; Beverly Luis  Katie Weldon 1-4 By; Robin Jones Gunn  Sierra Jenson 1-6 By; Robin Jones Gunn

5 Ramo’s Death When Mrs. Tedesich read that Ramo was just lying in the middle and the wild dogs Circling him I knew that Ramo was dead. The reason I think he went by himself is because he thought he could do it by himself and he knew that Karana would not go with him. I think that the wild dogs were coming and he thought he could handle them with his spire but there were to many dogs. When I found out that Ramo was dead I was sad but I mainly worried about Karana and how she was alone on the island. The reason I chose Ramos death is because it was the Shortest one except the ones that were 2 sentences.

6 Fall is a time to rake leaves then jump in them. Fall is a time to go to fall festivals. Fall is a time to hunt turkeys for Thanksgiving. Fall is a time to pass out candy on Halloween. Fall Is mostly cold and people get sick. Fall is a time to watch Halloween movies with our family's. That is what fall is to me. I honestly do not know why I chose this one

7 When I read I read in my book nook or in the back room with my ducks. last year I never read the only time I read was when we had the required 8 book but now I love reading. I have read over 45 books this year. My favorite books are murder mystery's and christen books. My favorite series is Christy Miller by Robin Jones Gunn. I have read a lot of her books they are really good she is my favorite author.

8 I like writing just not the stuff they make us write at school. I like writing at home because I am not being forced to write the stuff that they want us to write about. I like writing facts like going to New York or Alabama or about my family and me.

9 OOn My Honor By; Marion Bauer TThe Tiger Rising By; Kate DiCamillo TThe Cay By; Theodore Taylor IIsland of the Blue dolphins By; Scott Odell LLawn Boy By; Gary Paulsen TTuck Everlasting By; Nellie Babbitt

10 The book was about these two boys and the one boy asked his father if they could go to the park. He said on my honor but they were really going to climb the bluffs. On there way they decided to take a swim on the way they got In a fight and the one did not know how to swim. The boy that could not swim drowned. I liked this book because it always makes you want the teacher to keep reading.

11 This book is about this boy and his dad living in a hotel. The boys name is Rob. One day Rob was getting on the Bus all the kids made fun of him mainly the boys in the back of the bus. This girl named Sistine came on the bus and they started picking on her and she fought back. Later Rob went in to the woods and found a tiger. He told Sistine about it and she said to let it free.

12 This book is about a boy and a black man there names are Phillip and Timothy. They were on a ship together and it got bombed and Phillip got hit on the head. Timothy dragged him on to a raft. When Phillip came too he was blind. Timothy said it will only last a couple of days. He was wrong. They had many difficulty's living on a island with barely any food. I liked this book it was interesting and a good choice for her to read to us.

13 I liked this book it was good but it was not my favorite. The main character is Karana she was brave person her brother died he was killed by a pack of dogs. She lived on a island all by herself for over 2 years.

14 I did not like this book it was very boring. Other than when Joey said he was going to pinch Rocks head. I would not recommend this book to anyone.

15 When I first started 6 th grade I thought that it would be all work no play because that’s what me sister told me and I was stupid to believe her because it was really it was fun some times but not always we have had parties for the holidays. My favorite thing this year is when we went on are band field trip to the butler art museum.

16 This is a very good book I would definitely recommend this book. I thought it was written very well.

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