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FOOD ISN’T GARBAGE Metro Vancouver’s Organics Disposal Ban Simon Fraser University January 20, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "FOOD ISN’T GARBAGE Metro Vancouver’s Organics Disposal Ban Simon Fraser University January 20, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOOD ISN’T GARBAGE Metro Vancouver’s Organics Disposal Ban Simon Fraser University January 20, 2015

2 1.Background 2.Organics Ban Details 3.Business Resources OUTLINE

3 Federation of 21 municipalities, one Treaty First Nation, one Electoral Area METRO VANCOUVER

4 INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE & RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN  70% diversion by 2015  80% diversion by 2020  10 % per capita waste reduction 2013: 60% diversion

5 KEEPING FOOD OUT OF OUR GARBAGE 36% of regional garbage in 2013 was compostable organics Recycling organics takes us closer to 80% and: Creates compost Can create biogas Prevents landfill methane

6 ORGANICS DISPOSAL BAN COMING IN 2015 Strategy is twofold: 1)Ban organics from garbage going to disposal 2)Develop consistent communications and education tools and resources for the region


8 ENFORCEMENT Bans enforced at disposal facilities Inspection for visible organics by volume 50% surcharge added to tipping fee paid by haulers >25% <5%


10 ORGANICS RECYCLING OUTREACH 1.Regional ad campaign in partnership with member municipalities 2.Business ad campaign 3.Standardize communications 4.Toolkits and guides 5.Convene stakeholders FOOD ISN’T GARBAGE




14 Organics Recycling Guides On-site Organics Management Options Food Donation Guidelines Business Case Studies Videos RCBC Hotline TOOLKITS AND RESOURCES

15 Social media ONLINE

16 E-mail Visit Call 604 RECYCLE Next Steps NEED MORE INFORMATION?


18 Next Steps for Businesses – Develop a plan Look at how much food waste is generated (how will the ban affect me?) Where does it come from? Can it be separated easily & how can it best be separated? Do I have space for more containers? Who can pick it up for me and what is the cost? Could or should I consider on site composting? What sort of information/communications do I need to provide to my staff?

19 Considerations when developing a plan On-site storage space (pick-up frequency, container size) Existing contracts Collection access Food scraps generation rates

20 Collection contractor Next steps for businesses – implement the plan On-site Systems

21 EPA’s Food Recovery Hierarchy

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