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Careers in Ag. Ed. Finding and Applying for Agricultural Education Positions.

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Presentation on theme: "Careers in Ag. Ed. Finding and Applying for Agricultural Education Positions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Careers in Ag. Ed. Finding and Applying for Agricultural Education Positions

2 Learning Target  Students will learn to use KEPS to find agricultural education teaching positions.  Students will be able to apply for an agriculture education position.  Students will prepare a cover letter and resume for an agricultural education position.

3 Approach  How will you find an agricultural education Teaching Position?

4 Learn to use KEPS to find agricultural education teaching positions.

5  There are many ways to find out about an agricultural education position opening, including word of mouth, personal contact and referral. Each of these is a valuable resource and a good reason to stay involved in the Agriculture education community.  The limitation of these methods is that many of them expose you only to jobs in your immediate area.

6  The Kentucky Department of Education maintains a website that allows anyone interested in searching for teaching positions to look for those positions throughout the state. All vacant positions must be posted here, watching this site will keep you informed of agricultural education positions as they become available.

7 Activity Job Search

8 Directions  Visit the KDE website then follow the Kentucky Educator Placement System (KEPS) link to survey available positions. This can be done by county or by recent postings.

9 Apply for an agriculture education position

10  Once a teaching position is found how do you begin the process to get the job?  After finding the teaching position you feel best suits your goals you start the application process. Each school district will have it’s own unique application, applications are generally available on the schools website.

11 Activity Job Application

12 Directions  Choose a county and visit their website, find their application and review it noticing the information they are looking for. After reviewing the information fill out an application.

13 Prepare a cover letter and resume for an agricultural education position

14  The application for employment offers the school district basic information about yourself, how can you communicate the information that makes you unique and more qualified than the other applicants?  In every instance of applying for a teaching position it is necessary to accompany your application with a resume and cover letter.

15  A resume is a document that contains a summary or listing of relevant job experience and education. The resume is typically the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview, when seeking employment.experienceeducationemployerinterviewemployment  A cover letter is a letter of introduction attached to, or accompanying another document such as a resume. It is used to express your intent and to introduce yourself to the potential employer.letterdocument

16 Activity Resume

17 Directions  Search the Internet and look at types of resume and cover letter formats.  Developing a Résumé  Procedure:  Review the copies of résumés that your teacher has provided. Pick a job you are interested in and write a résumé for yourself.   Name___________________________________________________________________  Address ________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  Telephone number ________________________________________________________  Career Objective: _________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  Education and Training: (include locations and dates) _____________________________  ________________________________________________________________________   Work Experience:  (include dates employed) ____________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________   School and Community Activities: _____________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  References: ______________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________ 

18 Writing a Letter of Application  Procedure:  Use this page as a guide to writing a cover letter to accompany the résumé you developed in the previous lab sheet.  (Return address and date)  _____________________________  ______________________________  (Addressee’s Name, Title, and Complete Address)  _______________________________   Dear __________________________:   (Explanation of Intent)  ________________________________________________________________ Statement of Qualifications)  ________________________________________________________________  (Restatement of Qualifications)  ________________________________________________________________  (Conclusion)  ________________________________________________________________ 

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