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Engaging Employer for Skills Development for the 21 st Century: Joint Australian government, and OECD Workshop Using innovative education models and industry.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging Employer for Skills Development for the 21 st Century: Joint Australian government, and OECD Workshop Using innovative education models and industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Employer for Skills Development for the 21 st Century: Joint Australian government, and OECD Workshop Using innovative education models and industry partnerships to engage students and address skills gaps: lessons from the Australian Government’s P-Tech pilot initiative -Simon Whatmore

2 About IWSI/SAF Origin in 1983 IWSI was established in 2013 Includes Government and Business Current International Projects www.

3 #SkillsGap People without jobs & jobs without people: 12.2 percent of Australian youth aged 16-24 are unemployed Many graduates lack the necessary skills to land a job

4 About P-Tech: Pathways in Technology Early Collage High School The P-Tech story How the model works

5 About P-Tech “P-Tech is proof of what can be accomplished, but we’ve got to have the courage to do it.” - President Obama Commenced in 2011 Brooklyn, now 100 schools in the US in 2016.

6 Key Elements Innovative approaches to learning Innovative curriculum Industry mentoring and support A post school qualification Link to employment

7 P-Tech Australia Nicholas Wyman, IWSI CEO Skilling Australia Foundation & IBM dialogue Two school pilots announced [Oct 2014] for 2016 commencement

8 P-Tech in Australia: From Concept to Pilot Calibrating the P-Tech model and curriculum to the Australian environment and qualification frameworks Parental liaison Local stakeholder engagement/local steering committee Developing industry partnerships

9 P-Tech in Australia: Building Partnerships Role of trusted local authorities Identification & engagement of ongoing employer partnerships Offering a suite of potential commitment options

10 P-Tech in Australia: Current Progress Launched in Geelong and Ballarat in February 2016 80 students enrolled, 100 projected for 2017 Local coordination resources, evaluation and measurement Strong interest in the model across a number of communities

11 Key lessons to partners & benefits to students Value of the P-Tech Model: Bridging the gap ‘Collaboration at the coalface’ Picking a basket of winners Workplace exposure Revitalising vocational education Scalability

12 Questions?

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