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American Sign Language Interpreters What you need to know.

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Presentation on theme: "American Sign Language Interpreters What you need to know."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Sign Language Interpreters What you need to know

2 Introduction Is there interaction? How often is there interaction? Where does the interaction take place? (setting)

3 Methods Conducted an interview. Did some research.

4 Interview with Kristin Johnson Background Questions : How do Speech Pathologists and American Sign Language Interpreters interact? How are Speech Pathology and American Sign Language connected fields in your opinion? What does being an American Sign Language Interpreter mean to you?

5 Research first article Using a professional Establishing what is needed Establishing the line of communication

6 Research second article 1. SP’s question — I’s translation — P’s answer 2. P’s answer — I’s translation — SP’s assessment / SP’s next question (3. SP’s assessment — I’s translation — SP’s next question)

7 Results/Conclusion Yes, there is interaction. How often there is interaction depends There are two settings that I found

8 Recommendations I recommend that as an SLP you pick an ASL interpreter that is professional. Know ahead of time if your client is going to need an ASL interpreter If you are interested more in ASL interpreting I suggest doing so more research on the topic.

9 Resources

10 Questions

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