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Are You Smarter Than a 5 th Grader? 1,000,000 5th Grade Topic 1 5th Grade Topic 2 4th Grade Topic 3 4th Grade Topic 4 3rd Grade Topic 5 3rd Grade Topic.

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2 Are You Smarter Than a 5 th Grader?

3 1,000,000 5th Grade Topic 1 5th Grade Topic 2 4th Grade Topic 3 4th Grade Topic 4 3rd Grade Topic 5 3rd Grade Topic 6 2nd Grade Topic 7 2nd Grade Topic 8 1st Grade Topic 9 1st Grade Topic 10 500,000 300,000 175,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 1,000

4 5th Grade Topic 1 Question / Sand is carried down beaches by what to form features such as baymouth bars and spits. / Storms, wind, longshore currents/drift, groundwater / Sand is carried down beaches by what to form features such as baymouth bars and spits. / Storms, wind, longshore currents/drift, groundwater

5 5th Grade Topic 1 Answer / Longshore currents (longshore drift) Return

6 5th Grade Topic 2 Question / Water that doesn’t soak into the ground or evaporate, but flows across Earths’ surface is called what? / Runoff, groundwater, impermeable, none of them / Water that doesn’t soak into the ground or evaporate, but flows across Earths’ surface is called what? / Runoff, groundwater, impermeable, none of them

7 5th Grade Topic 2 Answer / runoff Return

8 4th Grade Topic 3 Question / All of the following except what affect the amt of runoff / Length of time rain falls, gravity, amt of rain, altitude / All of the following except what affect the amt of runoff / Length of time rain falls, gravity, amt of rain, altitude

9 4th Grade Topic 3 Answer / altitude Return

10 4th Grade Topic 4 Question / A _____ is a land area from which a stream gets it water. / Spring, delta, drainage basin, floodplain / A _____ is a land area from which a stream gets it water. / Spring, delta, drainage basin, floodplain

11 4th Grade Topic 4 Answer / Drainage basin Return

12 3rd Grade Topic 5 Question / What river drainage basin is the largest drainage basin in the US? / Missouri, Mississippi, Delaware, Ohio / What river drainage basin is the largest drainage basin in the US? / Missouri, Mississippi, Delaware, Ohio

13 3rd Grade Topic 5 Answer / Mississippi River Return

14 3rd Grade Topic 6 Question / Sheet erosion occurs when water erodes without being in what? / River valley, channel, along a steep hill, on a broad, flat field / Sheet erosion occurs when water erodes without being in what? / River valley, channel, along a steep hill, on a broad, flat field

15 3rd Grade Topic 6 Answer / In a channel

16 2nd Grade Topic 7 Question / All of the following are characteristics of rocky shorelines EXCEPT what? / Sandy beaches, cliffs, small rocks, large rocks / All of the following are characteristics of rocky shorelines EXCEPT what? / Sandy beaches, cliffs, small rocks, large rocks

17 2nd Grade Topic 7 Answer / Sandy beaches Return

18 2nd Grade Topic 8 Question / Forces that act on shorelines cause them to …. / Change constantly, change now and then, stay the same, none / Forces that act on shorelines cause them to …. / Change constantly, change now and then, stay the same, none

19 2nd Grade Topic 8 Answer / Change constantly Return

20 1st Grade Topic 9 Question / The most common features along rocky shorelines are what? / Quiet beaches, rocks and cliffs, rock and sand deposits, all of them / The most common features along rocky shorelines are what? / Quiet beaches, rocks and cliffs, rock and sand deposits, all of them

21 1st Grade Topic 9 Answer / Rocks and cliffs Return

22 1st Grade Topic 10 Question / What occurs when soil and rocks are added to a glacier’s sides and bottom after water freezes and thaws in a surrounding rock.

23 1st Grade Topic 10 Answer / Plucking Return

24 Million Dollar Question Grade Level Topic 11

25 1,000,000 Question / The four agents of erosion are wind, water, glaciers, and what?

26 1,000,000 Answer Return / Gravity

27 Thanks for Playing!

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