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Projektets navn Theme 3 Johannes Wagner (SDU) & Thomas Ryberg (AAU) - Interaction and Design Studies Max Roald Eckardt (SDU) & Jacob Davidsen (AAU)

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Presentation on theme: "Projektets navn Theme 3 Johannes Wagner (SDU) & Thomas Ryberg (AAU) - Interaction and Design Studies Max Roald Eckardt (SDU) & Jacob Davidsen (AAU)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Projektets navn Theme 3 Johannes Wagner (SDU) & Thomas Ryberg (AAU) - Interaction and Design Studies Max Roald Eckardt (SDU) & Jacob Davidsen (AAU)

2 Agenda 1.Generel introduktion til temaet (Thomas) 2.Nærmere introduktion til aktiviteter (Max) 3.Introduktion til konkrete projekter (Jacob) Projektets navn Sted og dato Dias 2

3 Mål for tema 3 – experimental labs – interaction and design studies at vedligeholde og udbygge en digital infrastruktur for menneskelig interaktionsforskning (inkl designforskning, antropologi, etnografi, sprogfagene og kommunikationsfagene) med særligt fokus på videodata, men ligeledes nye, emergerende dataformer (lokationsdata, sensing-data, bio-data) at støtte nationale og internationale forskningsprojekter der skal indsamle audiovisuelle data. at videreudvikle og udbyde specifikke træningskurser til studerende og forskere efter behov. at modificere og videreudvikle eksisterende software og udvikle nyt software til specifikke brugerbehov at producere korte videobaserede træningsmoduler i brug af udstyr og software. at udvikle modeller for sikker opbevaring og deling af video data at vedligeholde det danske brugernetværk. at vedligeholde kontakten med udenlandske interaction labs og netværk (f.eks. TELEARC). Projektets navn Sted og dato Dias 3

4 Staff and researchers Aalborg University (Aalborg & Copenhagen) Thomas Ryberg, prof. (mso) Jacob Davidsen, assistant prof. Per Mouritzen, AC-TAP Associated researchers: Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld Ellen Christiansen, prof. Paul McIlvenny, prof. Pirkko Raudaskoski, prof. Kathrin Otrel-Cass, assoc. prof Projektets navn University of Southern Denmark (Odense, Kolding & Sonderborg Johannes Wagner, prof. Max Eckardt, PhD, AC-TAP Julia Ruser (Oct 2014-Sept 2015) Research Assistant 3 Student assistants Associated Researchers: Jacob Buur, prof. Dennis Day, assoc. prof. Kristian Mortensen, assoc. prof. Gitte Rasmussen, prof.mso

5 Projektets navn Multi camera stream transcription Multi camera recording recording aligning access Multi stream transcription CLAN (Brian MacWhinney at Carnegie Mellon Univ.)

6 Projektets navn Video anonymization Issue: balance between the degree of face anonymization and the possibility to follow gaze and facial expressions

7 Projektets navn Multi data stream based transcriptions

8 Multiple data and data types Combining biological data (e.g. heart rate, skin sensor, brain scanners) into data collection, transcript and analysis Making sense of bio-data Multiple cameras and movement / mobility (GoPro camera) Software combining multiple data sources (chronoviz) Projektets navn Pictures from and

9 Safe and secure video archives Challenges of storing and archiving video data safely and securely Likewise how video data can be shared amongst researchers Exploring the technical, practical and ethical dimensions Initiate work on collecting and maintaining a library of video data for other researchers and students to work with Storage/archiving will require careful considerations regarding the use of meta-data, managing access and dealing appropriately with ethical issues associated with visual data Projektets navn

10 Designlab (Ellen Christiansen) - Data from collaborative school settings, learning environments, knowledge sharing in health care and business and administration, as well as from the use of smart utility interfaces - inquires coupling of touch technologies’ and tangible materials - explore data using video analysis, discourse analysis and log analysis - stage design sessions employing touch technologies (Smartboards, Surface 2.0, sketching software,Twitter, Prezi, Social Streams etc.) and tangible materials (cards, sandbox, tinkering materials) in storytelling, scenario building, Forum theater - develop design concepts Projektets navn

11 New labs – video research hubs- AAU and SDU – Max will introduce SDU video lab The hub has three focal areas, which are grounded in ongoing video research and the identification of future possibilities. 1) developing advanced competencies using software aided data collection and analysis (Transana, Elan, Clan) 2) developing resources for mobile video data collection 3) building secure and safe video data storage and archives. Building online resources with guides, user-cases, online seminars, online ‘open office’ (e.g. skype consultation) laboratory will function as a test-bed for new equipment (e.g. camera glasses, 360 cameras, etc.) to assess and produce recommendations for how this could benefit video research. Projektets navn

12 Rasberry Pi experimental programming Master student project: Flexible use of small computers for experiential environments

13 Projektets navn Ethnomethodology Heritage Archive Garfinkel Boston seminars 1975 Seminar 1: 90 minutes. Available. Seminar 2:160 minutes. Available Seminar 3:110 minutes. Available Seminar 4:Not available.. Seminar 5:152 minutes. Available Seminar 6: Not transcribed yet. Seminar 7:Will be available in late 2014 Seminar 8:Will be available in late 2014 Sacks and Jefferson lectures 1970ies available late 2014 Liberman lectures on phenomenology for ethnomethodology Lecture 1 – 4 will be available late 2014

14 Courses and user seminars Regular open workshops and open office (walk-in support) – physical and virtual 3 days Master course, October 2013, Kolding: Video production, video editing, video transcription 2 days PhD course March 2014 – Research Ethics, Aalborg 3 days Master student course October 2014, Kolding, cancelled 3 day PhD course December 2014, Ålborg 3 day Master course, February 2015, Univ. of Copenhagen ….. Projektets navn

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