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The Progressives Respond. Origins of the Progressive Movement Industrialization, Urbanization and Immigration Rise of an educated middle class Social.

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1 The Progressives Respond


3 Origins of the Progressive Movement Industrialization, Urbanization and Immigration Rise of an educated middle class Social Gospel Movement (strong emphasis on Christian morality)and the Populist Movement (improve conditions for farmers and industrial workers) Challenges to Social Darwinism (domination of strongest was a distortion of democracy)

4 4 Goals 1) Promote social welfare and moral improvement 2) Make government more efficient and democratic 3) Protect the environment 4) Confront social inequalities

5 Reforms to Combat Social Problems Jane Addams and the Hull House  A settlement house that provided support for poor urban residents National Child Labor Committee  Prohibited children under 14 from working and limited older children’s work hours Workmen’s Compensation  Workers who were injured on the job still received some pay Pure Food and Drug Act & Meat Inspection Act  Inspect packaged meat and to test and approve drugs before they went on the market Public Education System  By 1930, almost half of high school aged children went to school


7 Protecting the Environment Preservation – protection of wilderness from development Conservation – limiting the use of resources U.S. Forest Service (Roosevelt) & National Park Service (Wilson)  Yellowstone was the first national park Yellowstone National Park

8 Combating Inequalities Women’s Suffrage Movement  Started in 1848 at Seneca Falls NY Tuskegee Institute and NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)  Tuskegee Institute – a vocational college for African Americans  NAACP- Fought the courts to end segregation


10 Theodore Roosevelt Republican 1901-1909 “Square Deal” – regulating big business and protecting workers Major environmentalist Progressive Presidents William Howard Taft Woodrow Wilson Republican 1909-1913 Trustbusting – the breaking up of monopolies Democrat 1913-1921 “New Freedom” – national reform program to help ordinary citizens

11 Theodore Roosevelt “Don’t any of you realize that there is only one life between that madman and the Presidency.” ~ Mark Hanna (fellow Republican)



14 William Howard Taft

15 The Election of 1912 – centered on progressive reform William Howard Taft (Republican) Theodore Roosevelt (Progressive or Bull Moose Party) Woodrow Wilson (Democratic) Eugene V. Debs (Socialist) Severe split in Republican voting between Taft and Roosevelt helped Wilson win


17 Woodrow Wilson

18 Statewide Reforms to fight Government Corruption Initiative – Voters propose a bill and present it to the legislature Referendum – Voters vote on bill offered by the legislature Recall – Allow voters to remove a public official from office before the end of term Primary – Party members have opportunity to choose their party candidates Secret Ballot Which of the five American ideals do these reforms help achieve?

19 16 th Amendment (1913) 17 th Amendment (1913) Congress can create an Income Tax Progressive Tax – Higher taxes to those with higher incomes What are the arguments for higher or lower taxes today? Direct election of senators by voters Before – state legislatures choose Increase voter power and cut down on corruption Progressive Amendments

20 18 th Amendment (1919) 19 th Amendment (1919) Prohibition – banning the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages Led by women’s movement and Christian groups Did not achieve its goals - overturned by the 21 st Amendment Women’s right to vote (granted suffrage) Susan B. Anthony, Carrie Chapman Catt among many others Progressive Amendments


22 Solutions to Modern American Problems Let’s take a few minutes to go back to the problems we wrote down at the beginning of our study of the Progressive Movement Also consider the solutions or reforms that were created during the Progressive Era How could the U.S. or on a local / state level / community solve some of the problems that plague the United States today?

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