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Theodore Roosevelt By: James Washington & Dion Guzman.

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Presentation on theme: "Theodore Roosevelt By: James Washington & Dion Guzman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theodore Roosevelt By: James Washington & Dion Guzman

2 Growing up 0 Theodore Roosevelt Jr was born October 27,1858 in New York City. 0 He had not had a very normal childhood due to his illness of asthma he was homeschooled. 0 In his late teen years he started weightlifting & boxing.

3 Schooling 0 During his second year at Harvard he had to endure the death of his dad. 0 Once he graduated he enrolled in Columbia law school, then he met his wife Alice Hathaway.

4 Working 0 Theodore retreated to the western Bad lands of North Dakota where they “took the snob out of him”. 0 Where he worked on a ranch with animals, and the wide open spaces that he greatly enjoyed. 0 After quite some time he came back to Washington this time as the Assistant Secretary of War.

5 Fighting the war 0 When the Cuban War broke out he was the assistant Secretary of war, He then enrolled in as a Voluntary Calvary

6 The Election 0 Theodore Roosevelt became president when William Mc Kinley was brutally assassinated, and Roosevelt came and took over.

7 Famous president 0 He became a famous president, Because of his conservation movement that became his famous legacy. 0 And him being a “ Trust Buster”

8 Passing on the power 0 When he left he left William Howard Taft in charge because he felt that he was leaving the presidency in able hands of the former secretary of war.

9 Exploration 0 Being only 50yrs old after his presidency he went on a safari in Africa to be in the wide open spaces with his son to hunt.

10 Running for office {again} He went back to run for president because William Howard Taft’s policies were to weak.

11 Bull moose Party 0 The Bull Moose party was in Chicago. 0 They then nominated Theodore Roosevelt for president.

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