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Overview of VANET Project(2011) on NS2 Perspective Part 1 of 2 Jae-Myeong Lee Human-centric Mobile Computing Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of VANET Project(2011) on NS2 Perspective Part 1 of 2 Jae-Myeong Lee Human-centric Mobile Computing Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of VANET Project(2011) on NS2 Perspective Part 1 of 2 Jae-Myeong Lee Human-centric Mobile Computing Lab.

2 Today’s Agenda What is NS2? Introduction to Tcl Basic syntax and concepts of Tcl, oTcl, Tclcl NS2 Structure overview Our project’s structure

3 What is NS2? NS2 is abbreviation of Network Simulator 2. Open-sourced and free to use on research and education – Free in non-commercial use Simulates network communication Unix-based simulator – Simulation in MS-Windows, it can be run in Cygwin environment. No support for external plugin

4 What is NS2? (Cont.) Written in C++, compiled with g++ compiler Uses oTcl as main script language. – oTcl is object-oriented extension of Tcl script language. – Tcl, or Tool Command Language is lightweight script language. We used NS2 to simulate VANET network communication.

5 Introduction to Tcl NS2 uses Tcl as a main language. – You have to understand Tcl first, to know NS2. Tcl is pretty simple language, we can learn it in a moment. We are going to figure out basis of Tcl, oTcl, Tclcl.

6 Basic Tcl Comment: can comment with ‘#’ symbol – On a blank line: ‘#’ # blank line comment – After a command: ‘;#’ * ; is a command token. $ns run ;# run ns simulator Using Tcl Interpreter in user-interactive mode: – Can input command only. not values. – If there is a return value from command, it will be printed to screen. – $ tcl % 1  Error % puts “Hello world!”  OK Using Tcl Interpreter in script(batch) mode: $ tcl filename.tcl Using variables with set command: – set x 10;# set x’s value to 10 – set x;# get x’s value

7 Basic Tcl (Cont.) Passing parameter as return value of another command – set y [set x];# x’s value is copied to variable y. A variable can be accessed by $(variable) notation. – In expression, $a means a’s value. – set cmd “puts”;# set cmd’s value as string “puts” – $cmd “hello”;# same to puts “hello”. – set y [expr $x];# set y’s value as x’s value. – puts “$x is ten”;# refer variable’s value in a string. “expr” command: evaluate the expression passed as argument – expr 1+1;# 2 is printed (in interactive mode)

8 Basic Tcl (Cont.) User-defined function – proc { } { …;# commands return ;# optional } – Example: proc pow {x n} { ;# power function with recursion if {$n == 1} { return $x } set part [pow $x [expr $n-1]] ;# recursive call return [expr $x*$part] } set y [pow 2 16];# now, y is 65536 puts $y

9 Basic Tcl (Cont.) ETC – Control flows if {condition} { action } else { action } while {condition} { action } for {initialization} {condition} {step} { action } Example of for statement: for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { puts “$\i == $i” } ;# incr command increases a variable one. – Using file I/O set file [open “input.txt” r+] ;# open file handle (r+ means read/write/no creation) set line [gets $file] ;# read a line puts $line ;# print to screen puts –nonewline $file “hello!”;# if give a file handle to puts(), it will work in files. close $file ;# close file handle

10 Basic oTcl oTcl extends object-oriented features in existing Tcl syntax. – Create a class Class Person ;# just simple – Add new method to a class Person instproc init {age} {;# ”init” is constructor method $self instvar age_;# ready a public member variable to class ;# $self is same to this in C++ or Java. set age_ $age;# initialize member variable’s value } – Create a subclass: There are two method to do this. # Using Naming Convention (Parent/Child is a subclass of class Parent) Class Person/Child # Using –superclass directive Class Child –superclass Person – Creating a new instance object of a class (use new command) set myperson [new Person];# now, $myperson is instance of class Person

11 Basic oTcl (Cont.) – Setting and getting of member variable (extension of set command) $myperson set age_ 10 ;# set $myperson’s age_ to 10. puts [$myperson set age_] ;# get $myperson’s age_ and print it – Call a method $myperson greet;# just simple. ;# $instance_variable – Call superclass’ constructor function when initialize Example in our project: Agent/Traff instproc init args {;# notice that we didn’t put {} brackets around args ;# it means, $args is an array, which has arguments. $self next $args;# next method passes the argument to superclass’ constructor # (… do something …) }

12 Basic Tclcl Tclcl was made for cooperation of oTcl and C++. All oTcl objects are expressed in TclObject C++ class. TclObject’s methods – void TclObject::bind(const char *var, datatype *value); Bind a C++ variable as member variable, into oTcl language space. var is a member variable name, to use in oTcl. – int TclObject::invoke(const char *method, …); Invoke a method of oTcl object. – static TclObject *TclObject::New(const char *className); Create a new instance of specified class. – static TclObject *TclObject::lookup(const char *name); Lookup existing instance object, from oTcl space. Example: TclObject *ns = TclObject::lookup(“simulator_”); ns->invoke(“run”); // call $simulator_’s run (same to, $simulator_ run in oTcl)

13 NS2 Structure Overview NS2 is written in C++, which interacts with oTcl through Tclcl. Class Hierarchy in C++ TclObject NsObject Connector Queue Delay Agent Trace Classifier AddrClassifier McastClassifier Other Objects Tclcl Library NS2 Library NS2 Subclasses Other Objects in oTcl

14 NS2 Structure Overview (Cont.) Order of simulation – oTcl Interpreter interprets a Tcl script. $ ns myscript.tcl or $ ns (in user-interactive mode) – Tcl script will set up events and simulation parameters with Tcl codes. – Tcl script will calls Simulator::run(). Example code: set ns [new Simulator] $ns at 1 “puts \“Hello World!\”” ;# put a command into event queue $ns at 1.5 “exit” $ns run – Simulator::run() calls Scheduler::run() internally. Simulator instproc run {} { $self check-smac # … return [$scheduler_ run] } ;# on ns-2.34/tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl

15 NS2 Structure Overview (Cont.) Source code directory path – Main NS2 classes are in ns-directory/common/*.cc ns-directory/common/*.h – Main NS2 Tcl scripts are in ns-directory/tcl/lib/*.tcl – Simulator and scheduler is defined in Simulator: ns-directory/common/ ns-directory/common/simulator.h Scheduler: ns-directory/common/ ns-directory/common/scheduler.h ns-directory/tcl/lib/ns-scheduler.tcl

16 Our project’s structure No use existing event queue (scheduler). – The reason why: Event is not fixed and unknown in every simulation, because event is just depending on Quadstone Paramics. – We made new scheduler Object in oTcl space named TraffCalendarScheduler, which is inherited from CalendarScheduler – And also we made new Simulator object, named SimTraff. – TraffCalendarScheduler::run() waits for event from Q-Paramics. We will discuss it next week, in more details.

17 Thank you! Any questions?

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