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Tasks of Project: 1) To know more about m-teaching and m- learning; 2) To know opinion of pupils about gadgets; 3) To know opinions of teachers about.

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Presentation on theme: "Tasks of Project: 1) To know more about m-teaching and m- learning; 2) To know opinion of pupils about gadgets; 3) To know opinions of teachers about."— Presentation transcript:


2 Tasks of Project: 1) To know more about m-teaching and m- learning; 2) To know opinion of pupils about gadgets; 3) To know opinions of teachers about this method; 4) To know new ways of using gadgets; 5) To find new methods of education.

3 Pupils about gadgets: №Attitude to gadgets What gadgets do you use at home What gadgets do you use at school What ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ of gadgets 1)To mine mind, gadgets are so cool and great! I`m happy that this innovation exists in my generation. Laptop computer, walkman. Smartphone.Pros: make our life easer. We have more free time. 2)They are very popular nowadays, so I wanna have the best one of them. Tablet, computer, photo cam. Telephone for chatting at the lessons. Pros: have different useful options, making our life funnier and more interesting.

4 3)I`m not a fan of innovations, so I don`t have many modern things. I really can`t understand most of my friends with their useless gadgets. Computer.Sometimes my telephone cause of a calculator. Cons: they are so costly and have silly options. I’m not ready to pay for that. 4)Gadgets are good but not in every situation, like they say in ads. Computer, a pocketbook for reading in the underground. Telephone.Pros: mobile and light. Cons: not so cheap as I expect. 5)To mine mind, in future our children won’t imagine their life without gadgets. Laptop computer, DVD and CD player from time to time. I-phone, walkman. Pros: sometimes make me happy. Cons: it’s bad for my health. Ending of a table:

5 Natalia Semeshkina, teacher of physics:

6 Teacher`s questions-answers: 1) What does ‘m-teaching’ mean? I think that it may be “many-level education”; 2) What innovations do you want to see at your lessons? I am not a supporter of innovations cause my lessons are traditional. For studying, to mine mind, it’s better to have normal accessories but not super-computers;

7 3) Are you ready to use them? Nowadays of anybody you can`t surprise anybody with computers but you can help by elementary devices; 4) What pros and cons of this method do you see? Pros: it is possible to get not only base knowledge but also a certain additional information; Cons: for me teaching method “pupil- teacher” really works but m-learning is not tested enough.

8 In conclusion. I consider my work and its results are important. Pupils have become interested in m-learning, have expressed their opinion about gadgets. The teacher has expressed the opinion about m-teaching today and future teaching.

9 The presentation is made by Kirillova Lisa from 11 A Thanks for your attention

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