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An NCTM Illuminations Lesson. Please cut out the two circles on the Caesar Shifter Activity Sheet in your packet.

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Presentation on theme: "An NCTM Illuminations Lesson. Please cut out the two circles on the Caesar Shifter Activity Sheet in your packet."— Presentation transcript:

1 An NCTM Illuminations Lesson

2 Please cut out the two circles on the Caesar Shifter Activity Sheet in your packet.

3 Enigma Machine Used to encode messages during WWII. With substantial aid from Poland, the Allies were able to break the code and read German messages.

4 Morse Code: Designed for coding efficiency. The length of each coded letter is inversely proportional to its frequency of occurrence in English.

5 Secret Decoder Ring These rings became popular in the 1930’s as premiums for children who were fans of the radio program Little Orphan Annie.

6 I am on fire and have dangerous cargo on board Man Overboard U.S. Navy Signal Flags

7 Deciphering a Simple Coded Message 20-15-4-1-25 25-15-21 23-9-12-12 12-5-1-18-14 1-2-15-21-20 3-15-4-5-19 Today you will learn about codes.

8 Use Letter Frequency Analysis TFNRIUJ UZV DREP KZDVJ SVWFIV KYVZI UVRKYJ; KYV MRCZREK EVMVI KRJKV FW UVRKY SLK FETV. Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once. Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

9 Which letter occurred most often? Which letter occurred the second most times? Which letter occurred the third most times? Notice the similarity of the word before the semi-colon and the first word on the last line. ‘V’ occurred 13 times ‘K’ occurred 9 times ‘R’ occurred 7 times

10 The Caesar Cipher Julius Caesar is thought to have used this method to communicate with officers in the Roman army. Caesar would inform his generals what the shift was, so they would be the only ones who could read the encrypted message.

11 Pretend you are Julius Caesar. You are conducting a meeting about sending encrypted messages. You have decided to use a shift of 7 units. What letter replaces ‘A’?

12 Use your Caesar Shifter to encrypt this message: ROME IS THE GREATEST EMPIRE YVTL PZ AOL NYLHALZA LTWPYL

13 Your generals receive this message: YVTL DHZ UVA IBPSA PU H KHF. What does the message say? Rome was not built in a day.

14 The Caesar Cipher was eventually discarded. Why do you think it was discarded?

15 A coded message included in a short story titled The Adventure of the Dancing Men by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Connect to Literature: Edgar Allen Poe was also fond of using secret messages in his stories.

16 a polyalphabetic cipher as opposed to a substitute cipher Rome is the Greatest Empire math ma thm athmathm athmat Encode this message using your copy of the Vigenere Grid.

17 DOFL US MOQ GKLMTXZF EFWURX What makes the Vigenere Cipher more difficult for code breakers? What letters were used to replace ‘E’? Perform a Frequency Analysis to see which letters occur most often.

18 How many different ways can a message be encoded using the Vigenere Cipher? How many different ways can a message be encoded using the Caesar Cipher? 25 26 n

19 This message is written using the Vigenere Code. The keyword is ‘code’. OOWL KG HZGFBAJSUI Decode the message.

20 Encode a message using the Vigenere Cipher. algebra

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