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October 6, 2010 Lesson Four.

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1 October 6, 2010 Lesson Four

2 How did all things come to be?
Key Question: How did all things come to be? You're walk in the woods, thinking no one has been here before. The musty smell of moss is think in the air. The leaves squish under your feet as bramble scrapes against your face. But then you come into a clearing. The sun blazes around you. There in the center is a log cabin. Do you still think no one has been there before? Hebrews 3:4 says, “For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything” (NIV) A log cabin is built with logs and pegs, saws and hammers. Let's see how God made heaven and earth as we ask . . .

3 1. How did it all start? Let there be!
Hebrews 11:3* God created everything out of nothing Genesis 1 In six normal days By the power of his word To reproduce after their own kind Evolution: The false idea that life somehow started and gradually developed into more complex forms of life over a long time Let there be! Many science books will say everything evolve. What do you know about the theory of evolution? Points to note on the board: 1) Big Bang/ primordial cells 2) Millions of years 3) Random changes 4) People = smart animals 5) People in charge of themselves 7) Just a human theory Who alone was thereat the beginning? God. Let's see what he has to say.

4 After there own kind Review the six days of creation
Discuss: Science has proven Evolution


6 God created Adam & Eve in his image Ephesians 4:24*
2. How did God make humans? Genesis 1:27* God created Adam & Eve in his image Ephesians 4:24* God's Image: Perfect holiness like God and knowledge of his will Genesis 1:28* Created to fill the earth and rule it Review Genesis 2. Creation of Adm and Eve Breif mention – God's image was lost when Adam and Eve sinned. Through faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit recreates God's image in you.


8 3. What's special about your creation?
Job 31:15 God made me in my mother's womb Ecclesiastes 12:7 God gave me my soul Psalm 139:13, 14* God wonderfully made me with my mind and all my parts Psalm 139:16* God has a purpose for me. Photographer: Sam Pullara from San Francisco, CA, USA This file is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License Illustartion: Mirror – See God's wonderful, special creation. He made you.

9 How did all things come to be?
Key Question: How did all things come to be? I believe that God created me and all that exists, and that he gave me my body and soul, eyes, ears, and all my members, my mind and all my abilities. (Kuske, David. Luther's Catechism: Revised Milwaukee, WI: Northwestern Publishing House, 1998.) You're walk in the woods, thinking no one has been here before. The musty smell of moss is think in the air. The leaves squish under your feet as bramble scrapes against your face. But then you come into a clearing. The sun blazes around you. There in the center is a log cabin. Do you still think no one has been there before? Hebrews 3:4 says, “For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything” (NIV) A log cabin is built with logs and pegs, saws and hammers. Let's see how God made heaven and earth as we ask . . .

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