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WELCOME!! While you are waiting... Google yourself. Then, go to and comment on your digital footprint.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME!! While you are waiting... Google yourself. Then, go to and comment on your digital footprint."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME!! While you are waiting... Google yourself. Then, go to and comment on your digital footprint.

2 Guiding Our Students Through the Digital World How’s Your Digital Tattoo? Ivey Carey, Myers MS Bonnie McCormick, Crownover MS Anna Modrow, McMath MS Denton ISD 2016

3 Digital Footprint What is a Digital Footprint? When does it begin? Why should we care? Greatest issue for our kids? They are unconcerned “We don’t want to take away their right to express themselves, but we tell them all the time, you’re representing yourself, your team, your school, your own family. So whether it’s social media, the way you’re acting in the lunchroom or at the local movie theater, just try to keep that in mind. -- Aurora football coach Bob Mihalik.

4 What are they sharing? 92% - real name 89%-94% - photos 79%-83% - birthdate 25% - video of themselves 73% - town where they live 75% - school name 53% - e-mail address

5 They are unconcerned... 49% are unconcerned posting personal info might negatively affect their futures Cox Communication & NCMEC 2007 study Teens remain unconcerned @ sharing personal info 58% do not think posting photos or other personal info is unsafe ⅔ post photos or videos of themselves

6 Make them believers: Educate and inform Show the positive potential AND the possible harm/ consequences Be truthful: What they post will follow them / permanent High schools/ colleges / recruiters are looking Employers are looking Teach them how to create a positive digital footprint What is our mission?

7 How do we help them understand? Be a positive role model: Start with OUR digital presence Model professional / ethical manner in person and digitally Share our Digital Footprints: Google, Twitter, Prof. Facebook Instruct how, when, why to use Social Media Help students find examples of positive Social Media

8 YOUR Professional Footprint What does your digital footprint look like? Using your name (first/last/middle) conduct several searches Search images, too Know your administration’s attitude and expectations regarding technology on campus

9 It takes all of us... LIBRARIAN /ITS/COUNSELORS Foundational lessons: Social Media, Digital presence, Netiquette, Plagiarism, research TEACHERS INTEGRATE social media as a deliberate part of lessons EXPECT appropriate and ethical behavior - LIVE and online MODEL appropriate and ethical behavior - LIVE and online Become a Digital Certified Educator

10 It takes all of us... CAMPUS Team Formulate a Digital Footprint vision for your team Campus As a staff, formulate a campus vision for the school’s digital presence

11 It takes all of us... STUDENTS - Ownership Ask students to verbalize their objectives for their Digital Footprint Create a DC advisory council - Student Council? Students create posters / PSA videos Let students create a plan / goal for their Social Media presence to achieve the Digital Footprint they want Classroom: form a Social Media vision for your class

12 It takes all of us... PARENTS Greatest ally Involve them in the instruction Give them resources Invite them to attend workshops

13 One more thing... Entire lives online Not afraid, but have a healthy respect and embrace the possibilities and opportunities Practice proper skills and behaviors Our students’ futures depend on their digital presence ; Their futures are our business.

14 TEACHER Resources 5 Ways to Make A Positive Digital Footprint –5 Ways to Make A Positive Digital Footprint – YouTube 10 Things Your Students Should Know About Their Digital Footprints University of Texas Dept. of Education "The Power of a Positive Digital Footprint for Students." Alger, Jeremy. Edjudo. Edjudo, 2016. Web. 2 July 2016. BrainPop Common Sense MediaCommon Sense Media **Common Sense VIDEO for 8 th +VIDEO "How Important Are Students' Digital Footprints?" Davis, Melissa. Edutopia. George Lucas Educational Foundation, 22 Sept. 2014. Web. 2 July 2016. Don’t Lose a $140K Scholarship for a 140 character tweetDon’t Lose a $140K Scholarship for a 140 character tweet – Former professional basketball player, Casey Miller: the do's and dont's of social media use in high school student-athletes. Visit for more information.

15 TEACHER Resources Edutopia "Digitally Speaking / Positive Digital Footprints." Ferriter, William M. The Transition Years 68.7 (2011): 92-93. Educational Learning. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2016. Web. 10 July 2016. Facing the Consequences Several articles illustrating the various jobs lost due to poor social media posts Free Digital Citizenship Posters for the Classroom GoogleGoogle Search: “students who lose scholarships due to social media” – over a million hits “positive digital footprint for teens” – 435,000 hits Scavenger Hunt *Lesson Plan: 15 Things to Ask Your Students about Social Media

16 TEACHER Resources Netsmartz - What Teens share on SocialWhat Teens share on Social Media: A Teenager’s View on Social Media: Written by an Actual Teen Your Digital Footprint MattersYour Digital Footprint Matters – Huffington Post Tools to manage your professional media Your Digital Footprint and Why You Need to Manage It Trying to lead a dual life on the net is futile – just keep it positive YouthSparkYouthSpark “What kind of Social Media person are you?” Quiz

17 STUDENT Resources BrainPop Common Sense Media How to Create a Positive Digital Footprint YouthSpark Safe SearchSafe Search — A safer version of Google Search for primary grades Google Apps/Docs for document creating / sharing —

18 PARENT Resources BrainPop Common Sense Media Creating A Positive Digital Footprint: Digital Citizenship Helps for ParentsCreating A Positive Digital Footprint: Digital Citizenship Helps for Parents resource from Granite School District · Salt Lake City, UT Edutopia Several articles on digital citizenship and online behavior Family Online Safety Institute PC Magazine review Pinterest Teaching Kids About Their Digital Footprint: The Who, the What, and the How, TeenSafe

19 THANK YOU!! Before you go, please... Share your thoughts @ Has your opinion of your digital tattoo changed? What can you do as a member of your campus DC team?

20 WORKS CITED Patsko, Scott. "How Social Media Behavior of High School Athletes Can Negatively Impact NCAA Recruiting: Photos, Polls National Signing Day 2015." High School Sports., 03 Feb. 2015. Web. 12 July 2016.. "Teen Internet Statistics." Internet Statistics about Teens. Online Safety Site, 2013. Web. 24 June 2016.. Saha, Koyeli. "8 Steps to Creating a Positive Digital Footprint That Will Aid Your Job Search Greatly." Pulse., 01 Dec. 2015. Web. 12 July 2016.. "What Teens Share on Social Media." Pew Research Center Internet Science Tech RSS. Pew Research Center, 21 May 2013. Web. 1 July 2016..

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