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C HARACTERIZATION IN O THELLO (A CT 1, S CENE 1) Thursday, October 16, 2014 Honors MYP.

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1 C HARACTERIZATION IN O THELLO (A CT 1, S CENE 1) Thursday, October 16, 2014 Honors MYP

2 Q UICK W RITE : C HARACTERIZATION IN A CT I Write a sentence describing each of the following characters based on your understanding of Act I. Iago Roderigo Othello Desdemona I will check your Act I questions and passages while you write.

3 O BJECTIVE, A GENDA, & H OMEWORK Objective: Students will identify the type of person a character in literature is based on the methods of characterization used by the author. Agenda: Quick Write Check: Act 1 Questions Review Methods of Characterization Othello (1.1) Check for Understanding: Chart Homework: Reread Scene 3 lines 129-228 & 343-447 for tomorrow. Greek roots 36-40 sheet due Tuesday. Read Act 2 and answer questions by Tuesday.

4 A CT I Q UESTIONS (1) Iago’s complaint was that he was passed over for a promotion in favor of Michael Cassio. He is angry at Othello. (2) Brabantio is Desdemona’s father. They awaken him to tell him that Desdemona has run off to marry Othello without her father’s permission. They hope to get Othello in trouble. (3) Iago leaves Roderigo because it would not be smart for him (as Othello’s ancient) to be caught ratting him out. (4) Brabantio was angry about the marriage and thought his daughter had been tricked into marriage. (5) The Duke sent for Othello because the Turks are invading the Venetian colony of Cyprus, and he is the best general they have. (6) The Duke basically tells Brabantio not to cry over spilled milk; he thinks his daughter would have fallen for Othello’s tale too. (7) Roderigo wants to kill himself because he thinks Desdemona is completely in love with Othello. Iago says he will not love Roderigo if he sinks to that level. Instead, Roderigo should sell his property and go to Cyprus to seek Desdemona.

5 M ETHODS OF C HARACTERIZATION (1) Author’s description of the character Physical description, interests, personality, etc. Not common in Shakespeare except in the character list (2) The character’s words and actions Dialogue – the majority of the play Movements, choices, etc. shown through dialogue Very few stage directions in Shakespeare (3) Other characters’ reactions to the character Usually shown in dialogue behind the character’s back (4) The character’s thoughts and feelings Telling another trusted character in dialogue Internal thoughts = soliloquy*** Sometimes, there is an “aside.”

6 A CT I, S CENE I We will reread the first scene of Act 1. We need reading parts for… Roderigo Iago Brabantio As we read, fill in the chart for what we learn about Iago, Roderigo, and Othello. Be sure to write your observations into the column for the correct method of characterization.

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