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Access Group 87w55t Join group: 87w55t 1.

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2 Access Group 87w55t Join group: 87w55t 1

3 Broward County Regional Science and Engineering Fair (BCRSEF) BCRSEF Co-Directors: Tammy Barnes and Kettyna Bellabe SRC Member: Jay Rosenberg 2

4  Welcome and Introduction  School BCRSEF Pulse  IRB & SRC  How to Register Projects  SSEF Sharing of Best Practice  The Story behind the Data  Data Practice  Analyzing Data  Writing the Data Analysis  Wrapping-up the Projects  Post Summary  Conclusion w/rubric  Abstract (including framed abstract)  Display Board  BCRSEF Volunteer Registration  BCRSEF Logistic Committee  Q&As 3

5 How did you implement Science & Engineering Fair in your school and /or classroom? 4

6 Short task description Human Participants Rules Short task description Vertebrate Animal Rules Short task description Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents Rules Short task description Hazardous Chemicals, Activities or Device Rules Have you had to pre-approve any project? 5

7 BCRSEF Projects Registration 6

8 Dr. Kannan Nagarajan Sharing SSEF Best Practices 7

9 How do we decipher the story behind the data? 8

10 Making a Science Fair Data Table and Graph

11 Make it simpler by using the Test (independent) Variable and Outcome (dependent) variable.

12 Start with your Problem Statement/Question Which metals are better conductors of heat? W hich mixture of soil filters impurities from water most efficiently?

13 Form a hypothesis If copper, aluminum and steel wires are tested for conductivity of heat, then, due to it being the least dense, the aluminum will conduct heat fastest. EXAMPLE #1: Which metals are better conductors of heat?

14 What are the test (independent) and outcome (dependent) variables? Test (independent) variable Outcome (dependent) variable: Time it takes for heat to travel through a length of wire. If copper, aluminum and steel wires are tested for conductivity of heat, then, due to it being the least dense, the aluminum will conduct heat fastest. Type of metal wire

15 Types of Metal wire Length of wire Time (seconds) it takes for heat to travel the wire Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3Trial 4Trial 5Trial 6Trial 7Trial 8 Copper20 cm Aluminum20 cm Steel20 cm If copper, aluminum and steel wires are tested for conductivity of heat, then the aluminum will conduct heat fastest.

16 Conductivity of Metal Wire Type of Wire Conductivity in seconds

17 Form a hypothesis If sand, sand mixed with dirt or sand mixed with pebbles are used to filter impurities out of water, then the sand mixed with dirt is the most effective at removing the impurities EXAMPLE #2 EXAMPLE #2: Which mixture of soil filters impurities from water the best? Which mixture of soil filters impurities from water the best?

18 If sand, sand mixed with dirt or sand mixed with pebbles are used to filter impurities out of water, then the sand mixed with dirt is the most effective. Test (independent) variable: Outcome (dependent) variable: : Soil Mixture pH of the filtered water What are the test and outcome variables?

19 Soil mixture pH of Filtered Water Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3Trial 4Trial 5Trial 6Trial 7Trial 8Trial 9Trial 10 Sand Sand + Dirt Sand + pebbles Test (dependent) variable: Soil mixture Outcome (independent) variable: pH of filtered water

20 Impurities filtered from Water Soil Mixture pH of Filtered Water y x

21 Use the problem statement/question and hypothesis to develop a data table and graph. ACTIVITY


23 22 CONCLUSION Wrapping -Up the Projects


25 ABSTRACT 24 Wrapping -Up the Projects

26 Display Board 25 Wrapping -Up the Projects DISPLAY BOARD

27 BCRSEF Volunteer Registrations & BCRSEF Logistic Committee 26

28 Resources for Teachers Science Fair Website ( competitions/science-science-fair/)Website Science Fair Facebook ( State Science Fair Resources ( ISEF: 27

29 BCRSEF Timeline Coordinators Meeting 9/24/15 Science Fair Workshop 9/29/15 & 11/9/15 BCRSEF Registration Deadline 1/26/16 BCRSEF Check-in 2/4/16 BCRSEF Judging Day 2/5/16 BCRSEF Project Pickup 2/7/16 BCRSEF Award Ceremony 3/16/16 28

30 29 Q&As

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