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1 Menopause: How Women Age APS Healthcare, Inc. Southwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit (HCQU) 3-2-2006/lo.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Menopause: How Women Age APS Healthcare, Inc. Southwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit (HCQU) 3-2-2006/lo."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Menopause: How Women Age APS Healthcare, Inc. Southwestern PA Health Care Quality Unit (HCQU) 3-2-2006/lo

2 2 Disclaimer "Information or education provided by the HCQU is not intended to replace medical advice from the consumer's personal care physician, existing facility policy or federal, state and local regulations/codes within the agency jurisdiction. The information provided is not all inclusive of the topic presented.“ "Certificates for training hours will only be awarded to those who attend a training in its entirety. Attendees are responsible for submitting paperwork to their respective agencies.“ 2

3 3 Objectives You will: Understand the meaning of menopause or “change of life”. Describe that it is a natural condition that happens to all women 3

4 4 Objectives (cont.) You will: List the symptoms of menopause Understand how to tell if you are beginning menopause. 4

5 5 Objectives (cont.) You will: Understand the treatments for menopause. 5

6 6 Menopause This is the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle (monthly period) and fertility (ability to have a baby). It is also called “change of life”. 6

7 7 Menopause Natural condition (It happens to all women). Decrease of hormones in your body. Occurs when you get older. 7

8 8 Menopause May happen suddenly if you have surgery to the reproductive system. May happen all of a sudden if you are being treated for a disease or illness. 8

9 9 The Female Reproductive System

10 10 When Do Women Usually Begin Menopause? Naturally between the ages of 48-52 As early as late 30’s As late as mid-50’s 10

11 11 What Might Happen During This Time Missing monthly periods or heavy bleeding with periods Depression or change in your mood 11

12 12 What Might Happen During This Time Hot flashes Sweating Headaches 12

13 13 What Might Happen During This Time Racing heart (palpitations) Vaginal dryness and soreness 13

14 14 What Might Happen During This Time Trouble sleeping Bone thinning (osteoporosis) 14

15 15 Menopause and Seizure Disorder Seizures may change May have less or more May become weaker or stronger 15

16 16 How Do I Know If I Am Starting Menopause? Keep track of monthly periods. Tell a caregiver if you have any of the symptoms. 16

17 17 What I Can Do To Feel Good During This Time Aspirin Ibuprofen Vitamin E Soy Products 17

18 18 What I Can Do To Feel Good During This Time KY Jelly Hormone Medication 18

19 19 What I Can Do To Feel Good During This Time Meditation Relaxation Hobbies 19

20 20 What I Can Do To Feel Good During This Time Exercise Talking to a friend 20

21 21 Menopause Review When does a woman go through menopause? What might happen during this time? What can you do to feel good during this time? 21

22 22 Menopause Review This happens to ALL women as they get older You are not alone. Talk to your doctor or nurse. 22

23 23 23 THANK YOU! 23 THANK YOU!

24 24 References Medline Plus:Hormone Replacement Therapy. Retrieved August 2005 from World Wide Web. Menopause Treatments. Retrieved August 2005 from World Wide Web. 24

25 25 References Menopause:Managing Your Body’s Changes. Retrieved August 2005 from World Wide Web. Early Menopause Guidebook. Retrieved August 2005 from World Wide Web. 25

26 26 References Induced Menopause Explained. Retrieved August 2005 from World Wide Web. 26

27 27 For more information on this or any other physical or behavioral health topic, please visit our website @ 27

28 28

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