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LDAP Integration Michael Schloh von Bennewitz Software Engineer, Europalab

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Presentation on theme: "LDAP Integration Michael Schloh von Bennewitz Software Engineer, Europalab"— Presentation transcript:

1 LDAP Integration Michael Schloh von Bennewitz Software Engineer, Europalab

2 2 What is LDAP? ● Mature TCP/IP protocol ● Provides directory access ● Standardized in RFC 4510 ● In most Unix and Linux distros ● Also Blackberry, Android, Iphone

3 3 What is LDAP?

4 4 Typical use cases 1.Telephone directory 2.Corporate address book 3.Employee ID card directory 4.Password directory 5.Recipe collection?...Similar in utility to SQL

5 5 Compare LDAP & SQL LPAP is... ● A protocol ● Tuned for read ● Widespread SQL is... ● A language ● Balanced R/W ● Transactions ● Consistency ● Other services

6 6 Compare LDAP & SQL

7 7 Mainstream use ● Novel SUSE Linux ● MS active directory ● Apple OS X addressbook ● Email address autocompletion ● Kontakt, Evolution, Thunderbird... ● IP hardphones and softphones ● Snom, Polycom, Cisco, Ekiga

8 8 Implementations ● OpenLDAP (GPLv2) ● Mozilla C/Java ● Alcatel-Lucent ● Alot of others

9 9 OpenLDAP helloworld #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ldap_initialize(&ld, "ldaps://"); ldap_simple_bind_s(ld, "uid=me,ou=people,dc=host,dc=com", "pwd"); ldap_search_s(ld, "dc=intern,dc=host,dc=com", LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(sn=Chambe-Eng)", NULL, 0, &result); dn = ldap_get_dn(ld, ldap_first_entry(ld, result)); printf("dn: %s\n", dn); ldap_memfree(dn); ldap_msgfree(result); ldap_unbind(ld); } $ cc -c helloldap.c && cc helloldap.o -lldap -llber &&./a.out dn: uid=Chambe- Eng,ou=no,ou=people,dc=intern,dc=host,dc=com

10 10 Demonstration(s)

11 11 LDAP glossary Directory: Main data store (like a SQL database) Attribute: Description of data (like a SQL column) Value: The actual data to store (like a SQL value) Schema: Distinguished name: Fixed primary key of any directory entry BER: Basic Encoding Rules (like ASN.1) Ldap.conf: Client configuration Slapd.conf: Server configuration SLAPd: OpenLDAP Server

12 12 Further reading This presentation: Wikipedia: IETF RFCs: OpenLDAP:

13 13 Nokia Qt specific Existing QSql: ● Class QSql ● QSqlDatabase To consider QLdap: ● Class QLdap ● QLdapConnection Question: In which Qt module do the LDAP classes belong? ● In their own module ● In libQtSQL

14 14 Table of contents I.LDAP Integration I.What is LDAP? II.Typical use cases III.Compare LDAP and SQL IV.Mainstream acceptance V.Popular implementations VI.OpenLDAP hello world VII.LDAP glossary VIII.Further reading

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