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Vocabulary words review Household bleach, ex. Clorox Sodium hypochlorite.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary words review Household bleach, ex. Clorox Sodium hypochlorite."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vocabulary words review

3 Household bleach, ex. Clorox Sodium hypochlorite

4 Hospital Grade Disinfectants Fungucidal Pseudomonacidal Virucidal Bactericidal Tuberculocidal

5 Most effective form of decontamination Sterilization

6 Lowest level of decontamination Sanitation

7 This can kill bacteria. It is safe to use on the skin. Antiseptic

8 Kills microbes (germs) on non porous surfaces. Ex. combs, shears Disinfectant

9 a higher level of decontamination than sanitation. 2 nd level a higher level of decontamination than sanitation. 2 nd level Disinfection

10 Most popular method of sterilization. Involves steam Steam autoclave

11 Safe and fast acting disinfectant. Quaternary Ammonium Compounds QUATS

12 Causes contamination. Ex. DIRTY TOWELS, USED COMBS AND BRUSHES Contaminant

13 Disinfectant with three widely used forms. Used on implements and skin Alcohol

14 Disinfectants used most on metal implements. Phenols

15 This is used in combination with disinfectants Ultrasonic cleaner

16 Shows NO signs or symptoms of infection. Asymptomatic

17 An active gas used in formalin. It is Not used any more Formaldehyde

18 Covered cabinet or container containing an active fumigant Dry sanitizer

19 Covered receptacle containing a disinfectant

20 Bacteria, Diseases and Illnesses

21 This organism lives on dead matter like garbage saprophytes

22 Harmful and disease producing bacteria Pathogens

23 Requires living matter for growth Parasites

24 Disease caused by itch mite Scabies

25 Minute, one celled micro- organisms, germs microbes bacteria

26 Round shaped, appear singly or in groups COCCI


28 Spiral or cork-screw shaped. Spirilla

29 Responsible for abscesses, boils and pustules Staphylococci

30 Grows in chains. Causes strep throat Streptococci

31 Grows in pairs, causes pneumonia Diplococci

32 Whip like motion that moves the bacteria in liquid tissue Flagella

33 Resistant to antibiotics. Include measles, hepatitis, HIV, common cold Virus

34 Developed after the body has overcome a disease or through inoculation Acquired immunity

35 An inborn ability to resist certain diseases Natural immunity

36 Local infection (in one area or a small area) Boil, pustule, abscess, insect bite

37 General infection (through out the body Blood poisoning, syphilis,

38 Material needed to sustain the life of bacteria Protoplasm

39 Technical term for head lice Pediculosis

40 The end

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