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Welcome to Kindergarten! August 17, 2016 Let’s get started with the ABC’s!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten! August 17, 2016 Let’s get started with the ABC’s!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten! August 17, 2016 Let’s get started with the ABC’s!

2 A If your child is absent, please call the school (972-463-5887) to let us know. A note stating the reason for the absence must be brought to school as soon as possible to avoid an unexcused absence. Your child will be participating in Art every week. Accidents happen. Please send clean clothes with your student everyday in their backpack.

3 B If you would like your child to eat breakfast at school, please make sure they have money in their account and that they arrive early enough to do so (doors open at 7:30 am). If you would like to send a birthday treat for your child’s birthday, please feel free to do so. Birthdays will be celebrated in the afternoon at snack time.

4 C Parent and Teacher conferences are held twice a year, fall and spring. Watch for information and reply accordingly. Communication is important. Feel free to contact us whenever you have a question or concern. The best way to reach us is by e-mail – see Q for Questions. You can also send a note with your child in his/her communication folder as we check it every day.

5 D Discipline is simple. We work hard to make our classroom a positive and safe place for all. The Daily Folder is the easiest way to see what kind of day your child had. But if there are ever any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the teacher. Please make sure you sign and look at their behavior chart EVERYDAY! Explanation for “color change” will be written on the back of the chart. Dress code- Shorts- at least finger tip length Tank tops- straps at least 3 fingers wide

6 E Early Release Days will take place on December 16 and June 2. On Early Release days, students eat lunch at their normal times and are dismissed at 1:15. Please make arrangements to have your child picked up at 1:15. Please feel free to email your teacher with questions or concerns, but please keep in mind that there may not be an immediate response due to classroom instruction.

7 F Beginning of the year forms need to be turned in promptly. They will be sent home the first week of school. Information about field trips will come home in your child’s folder. Folders need to be emptied daily and returned daily. Please read everything that comes home in your child’s folder.

8 G Each class will have a 45-minute gym class 3 times a week. Your child’s teacher will notify you what days your child has gym. Children need to wear tennis shoes on these days to ensure their safety. If they do not, they will not be able to participate.

9 H Students will have simple homework and projects in Kindergarten. Please ensure that your child completes their homework and turns it in on time.

10 I Independence is a goal for students because it builds self-esteem and self- confidence. Kindergarteners are very capable of doing many things on their own and we encourage them to do as much as they can for themselves in the classroom. Please work on the following skills at home with your child: hygiene, zipping, tying, dressing, etc.

11 J Writing takes place every day in kindergarten. One way we accomplish this is through poetry and free writing in our journals. Encourage your child to write at home. 1 PRIMARY journal is listed on your school supply list. (Can be found at: Mardel, Walmart, Office Depot)

12 K Keep up with the high frequency word list and the Communication folder. Keep asking your child about what they are learning! Check the monthly newsletter for what we are covering in class.

13 L Our class will visit the library once a week. Please send their book back on their designated library day. Kindergarten eats lunch at 10:30. If lunch money is sent to school, please send it in your child’s folder. When eating lunch with your student, only YOUR child can sit with you. They can not invite friends to sit with them. (Fridays only) o Always send money in a sealed envelope or baggie in your child’s folder, with their name on it, and what the money is for.

14 M Students will have music class every week. The kindergarten math curriculum provides students with mathematical experiences that help them develop number sense and a positive attitude towards mathematics that will continue throughout their school career and lives.

15 N There will be no school on the following days: o September 5 (Labor Day) o October 14 (Fair Day/ Columbus Day) o November 21-25 (Thanksgiving Break) o December 19-30 (Winter Break) o January 16 (MLK Day) o March 13-17 (Spring Break) o April 14 (Bad Weather Make-Up Day #2) o May 26 (Bad Weather Make-Up Day #1) o May 29 (Memorial Day)

16 N A note from our nurse: 1. We need all COMPLETE vaccine records for the child to start school on the first day. 2. Please pack an extra change of clothes every day in case of accidents. (weather appropriate) 3. Please contact the nurse regarding any medications that need to be given at school. All medicine will require a doctor’s order, including over-the-counter medicine. A parent must bring the medicine and sign consent. 4. Children who are sick must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.

17 O Kindergarten has outdoor recess after lunch (if weather permits). Please make sure your child has comfortable shoes that they can run, climb, and play in.

18 P When picking up your child early, please use the parent and visitor parking lot. If your child is a car rider, please remember to have their name card in your window in the pick up line. You can stay in your car and your child will come to you. PLEASE SEND ANY TRANSPORTATION CHANGES IN WRITING. If it is a last minute change, please call the front office ASAP. If we don’t get anything in writing or a phone call, we have to send your child the original way you listed.

19 Q Questions? Please feel free to call, email, or send a note. Esther Hassen- La’Keisha Neal- April Nelson- Jennifer Schneider-

20 R Report cards will be sent home 6 times during the school year.

21 S The focus of the kindergarten science curriculum is on developing an awareness of the world in which we live. The kindergarten social studies curriculum focuses on the students and how they relate to others in their families, classroom, school, and community. SNACK! The students get very hungry with such an early lunch. Please send your child with a healthy snack daily that does not require forks or spoons. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide children with snacks.

22 T If your child has any changes in their transportation please let us know in writing or call the school office. Time- school starts at 8:00. Tardies start at 8:01. Please make sure your child is on time!

23 U Each child is unique and we do everything we can to accommodate the needs of each one of our 22 students.

24 V Volunteers and visitors must register in the office and pick up a badge. o We love volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering for field trips or just helping out please let us know! o Fill out a volunteer form on the Garland ISD website and have your ID scanned in the front office. Shoes with Velcro would be preferred if your child does not know how to tie their shoes.

25 W Wet and/or dirty clothes can be uncomfortable. Please keep an extra set of clothing in your child’s backpack for unforeseen circumstances. Remember to check this clothing and change it out with the seasons. Walkers- If you would like to walk up and pick up your child after school, please let your child’s teacher know. Walkers will be picked up from the back of the school. School website:

26 X Parents and family members may eXit and enter via the main school entry.

27 Y Your ideas…and suggestions are welcome!

28 Z Zzzzzzz - Make sure that your child gets plenty of rest. Setting and keeping a bedtime is a wonderful gift you can give your child.

29 Yee-HAW! You’re ready to start kindergarten!

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